Die Sharing Economy (#Shareconomy) prägt die #Mobilitätsbranche. 🚘🛴
#2hire ermöglicht es Mobilitätsanbietern und Dienstleistern, die in vernetzten Fahrzeugen integrierte Technologie zu nutzen, das Benutzererlebnis zu digitalisieren und die neuesten Mehrwertdienste anzubieten.
Schauen Sie an unserem #IAA23 Gemeinschaftsstand C22 in Halle B1 vorbei und erfahren Sie mehr!
#PeerToPeerSharing #SharingEconomy #BVSCmobility #SmartCity #SmartRegion #SmartMobility #BVSC #VDA
#shareconomy #mobilitatsbranche #2hire #iaa23 #peertopeersharing #sharingeconomy #bvscmobility #smartcity #smartregion #smartmobility #bvsc #vda
Tried to rent a post digger and failed; had to buy. If I were better organized I could have asked my neighbors if they had this tool that I could borrow for precisely 4 holes.
I wonder if there is an #opensource #sharingeconomy tool. should we build.
Women who drive #EVs are in the minority, which makes me and my friend Amy pioneers on the green frontier. Check out our experience traveling along the California coast in a rented #Tesla -- proof that #ElectricCar battery range and charging infrastructure have come a long way.
#SharingEconomy #SlowTravel #EmissionFree #RoadTrip #Feminism #ElectrifyEverything
#EVs #tesla #electriccar #sharingeconomy #slowtravel #emissionfree #roadtrip #feminism #electrifyeverything
I love this idea! A shared workspace with tools here in LA would be such an amazing way to experience the #SharingEconomy.
What general method will increase the probability that the people that (truly) want to develop sustainable communities will choose sustainable activities.
#ecology #sustainability #climate #science #ConservationBiology #Agroecology #sharingEconomy #CleanAir #RenewableEnergy #technology #bicycles #PublicTransport
#ecology #sustainability #climate #science #conservationbiology #agroecology #sharingeconomy #cleanair #renewableenergy #technology #bicycles #publictransport
What general method will increase the probability that the people that (truly) want to develop sustainable communities will choose sustainable activities.
#ecology #sustainability #climate #science #ConservationBiology #Agroecology #sharingEconomy #CleanAir #RenewableEnergy #techology #bicyles #PublicTransport
#ecology #sustainability #climate #science #conservationbiology #agroecology #sharingeconomy #cleanair #renewableenergy #techology #bicyles #publictransport
What general method will increase the probability that the people that (truly) want to development sustainable communities will choose sustainable activities.
#ecology #sustainability #climate #science #ConservationBiology #Agroecology #sharingEconomy #CleanAir #RenewableEnergy #techology #bicyles #PublicTransport
#ecology #sustainability #climate #science #conservationbiology #agroecology #sharingeconomy #cleanair #renewableenergy #techology #bicyles #publictransport
Do you know the part when Mastodon said that your home timeline should only be filled with the information that you find of interest.
When is that actually meant to happen?
Who can l follow that understands the general sciences of #Sustainability , therefore the activities that will mitigate climate change?
#AgroEcology #ecology #ConservationBiology #Degrowth #SharingEconomy #ClimateAction
#science #climate
Although, in comparison, #Mastodon is great when compared to #Twitter
#sustainability #agroecology #ecology #conservationbiology #degrowth #sharingeconomy #climateaction #science #climate #mastodon #twitter
Do you know the part when Mastodon said that your home timeline should only be filled with the information that you find of interest.
When is that actually meant to happen?
Who can l follow that understands the general sciences of #Sustainability , therefore the activities that will mitigate climate change?
#AgroEcology #ecology #ConservationBiology #Degrowth #SharingEconomy #ClimateAction
#science #climate
Although, in comparison, #Mastodon is great to the corporate block.
#sustainability #agroecology #ecology #conservationbiology #degrowth #sharingeconomy #climateaction #science #climate #mastodon
At today's #virtualcoffee for #sustainability people https://bit.ly/2UeGiDV, we learnt keeping chillies in the freezer makes them easier to cut, dragonfruit are disappointing, and that it's possible to design a website to be more carbon/energy efficient.
There were also fascinating conversations about the #sharingeconomy, seasonality on swapping apps, and that there's a business which rescues 'dead' plants from offices.
Next virtual coffee is in July - do join us.
Picture from pixabay.
#sharingeconomy #sustainability #VirtualCoffee
Wired: Lyft’s Vibe Shift Signals the End of the Gig Economy Dream https://www.wired.com/story/plaintext-lyft-vibe-shift-signals-the-end-of-the-gig-economy-dream/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/TechCulture #publictransportation #ElectricVehicles #on-demandeconomy #sharingeconomy #Entrepreneurs #Plaintext #Business #Startups #Cities #Lyft #Uber
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #business #publictransportation #ElectricVehicles #on #sharingeconomy #entrepreneurs #plaintext #startups #cities #lyft #uber
I don't take part in so many book #BlogTours anymore, but Thanks For #Sharing by Eleanor Tucker is one I'm glad not to have missed 😍 It's a chatty #memoir of Elle's experience of a year giving up 'buying to embrace #swapping #borrowing & #renting'
A fascinating and entertaining read which really opened my eyes to #SharingEconomy possibilities
I've reviewed it on my #KoFi https://ko-fi.com/post/64-rrr-Thanks-For-Sharing-by-Eleanor-Tucker-B0B2JCGBV & on #BookWyrm https://ramblingreaders.org/book/259831/s/thanks-for-sharing
#blogtours #sharing #memoir #swapping #borrowing #renting #sharingeconomy #kofi #bookwyrm #rachelsrandomresources #bookreview
@trustedsystem @bularator @brigeh Was die Absurdität des Systems mal wieder schön aufzeigt. Verzichte ich im Interesse des #Gemeinwohls auf noch ein weiteres eigenes Auto, muss ich als #Carsharing-Nutzer noch Strafe zahlen. Nutze ich einen Roller, der allen zur Verfügung steht, ist mir die Nutzung der von mir finanzierten Parkplätze komplett untersagt. Liebe für diese #Autorepublik.
#SharingEconomy #ERoller #Mietroller #Verkehrswende
#gemeinwohl #verkehrswende #mietroller #eroller #sharingeconomy #Autorepublik #carsharing
Il lato oscuro dell'#IntelligenzaArtificiale vede il coinvolgimento di numerose persone costrette a lavorare in condizioni di disagio, con salari bassissimi e senza alcuna tutela.
Un aspetto che dovremmo tenere in considerazione quando ci esaltiamo di fronte a sistemi come #ChatGPT o similari.
CONTINUA ➡️ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/marco-mambrini_i-precari-dei-robot-activity-7046364034958282752-6xbk
#Etica #Lavoro #IA #Economia #AI #MachineLearning #gigeconomy #sharingeconomy #crowdsourcing #microjobber #clickworker #crowdworker #ghostwork
#intelligenzaartificiale #chatgpt #etica #lavoro #ia #economia #ai #machinelearning #gigeconomy #sharingeconomy #crowdsourcing #microjobber #clickworker #crowdworker #ghostwork
We rented a convertible via Turo, the AirBnB of car rentals. It was a very successful venture. I would recommend. And much cheaper than any car rental company I found.
#turo #carrental #sharingeconomy #travel
Es gibt keine #SharingEconomy
„Touristische Vermietungen müssen gesetzlich gesteuert werden“ – Südtirol News https://www.suedtirolnews.it/italien/touristische-vermietungen-muessen-gesetzlich-gesteuert-werden
This week's net.wars, "Inappt", is grumpily frustrated; if technology is going to disrupt the world couldn't it at least work as advertised? https://netwars.pelicancrossing.net/2023/02/10/inappt/ #NetWars #AI #SharingEconomy
The Locust Economy (from 2013, isn't what yo'd expect from the title. It's about #collegeBubble #education #mooc #resilience #sharingEconomy ...
https://buff.ly/3JNGhB9 #business
#collegebubble #education #mooc #resilience #sharingeconomy #business
Weniger verbrauchen, ohne zu verzichten? Das klappt, wenn wir teilen.
Für das Magazin von #Klönstedt habe ich die Gedöns-Bibliothek in #Lauenburg besucht. Schaut mal rein.
#sharingeconomy #schleswigholstein #digitalisierung
#digitalisierung #schleswigholstein #sharingeconomy #Lauenburg #klonstedt
what will really happen "After Technology Destroys #Capitalism"?
What they predicted ~10 years ago, or something else?
#automation #blockChainProtocol #commons #p2p #reputation #sharingEconomy #solutionism #universalBasicIncome
#capitalism #automation #blockchainprotocol #commons #p2p #reputation #sharingeconomy #solutionism #universalbasicincome