As part of my world #ecofiction spotlight, this month I chatted with conservation author and biologist Gene Helfman about his newest novel FINS. We talk about #orcas #sharks and the sharkspoitation genre.
Things have been exciting in New Quay, Wales, recently. A huge Thresher shark jumped out of the sea, then a group of dolphins killed a harbour porpoise for sport, and now they've seen a rare Sowerby's beaked whale which typically lives 1000m deep!
#GoodNews #Wales #NewQuay #Sea #Mammals #Wildlife #Wales #Dolphins #Sharks
#goodnews #wales #newquay #sea #mammals #wildlife #dolphins #sharks
"The small sharks that damaged a catamaran off the coast of Cairns have been described as “pencils with teeth” and they have a history of trying to eat inanimate objects, including submarines...
Marine biologists believe the attack was “a classic case of mistaken identity” from a “supercool” little shark that glows in the dark and has a very big attitude, despite its size."
#nature #Science #sharks #News
The San Jose Sharks’ 2023 Rookie Faceoff Tournament Roster
#California #hockey #IceHockey #NationalHockeyLeague #NHL #NHLWesternConference #NHLWesternConferencePacificDivision #SanJose #SanJoseSharks #Sharks
#california #hockey #icehockey #nationalhockeyleague #nhl #nhlwesternconference #nhlwesternconferencepacificdivision #sanjose #sanjosesharks #sharks
That “catamaran besieged by sharks” turns out to be a lot less Hollywood than you might imagine
Cookie cutter #sharks are small, pseudo-parasitic, and resemble “pencils with teeth” A Fresh Start For Filip Zadina With Sharks | 32 Thoughts #32Thoughts #32ThoughtsPodcast #AtlanticDivision #canada #DetroitRedWings #EasternConference #ElliotteFriedman #FilipZadina #hockey #HockeyPodcast #JeffMarek #NHL #NhlPodcast #RedWings #SanJoseSharks #Sharks #sports #sportsnet #Zadina
#32thoughts #32thoughtspodcast #atlanticdivision #canada #detroitredwings #easternconference #elliottefriedman #filipzadina #hockey #hockeypodcast #jeffmarek #nhl #nhlpodcast #redwings #sanjosesharks #sharks #sports #sportsnet #zadina
People in #NSW #Australia
Now is your chance to show your disappointment that shark nets are returning to NSW waters for the 23/24 season.
You can help by sending a fax to the NSW Premier to ask for an end to cruel shark nets. You don't need a fax machine, and it only takes 1 minute to send one using this nifty online tool.
Take action now
#nsw #australia #sharks #sharknets #wildlife #nature #oceans
The sharks are still coming thick and fast from me at the moment.
It's the Leopard shark on today's featured post.
#sharks #sciart
Yesterday, I went to a protest at #Terrigal beach on the #NSW #centralcoast against shark nets. As an ocean swimmer, I am appalled by the destruction of endangered wildlife, including turtles and dolphins and even baby whales who get caught unintentionally by these nets.
The politicians KNOW that the nets are not effective in preventing shark attacks, and KNOW of the 'by-catch' harm they do... And yet... And yet they do not have the guts to back the removal of these nets. Why? Short-term political gain, of course, as in so many other areas; they rather be in the wrong than risk a roasting by a hostile press.
There are jellyfish that I swim with every day that have more backbone. #auspol
#terrigal #nsw #centralcoast #auspol #sharks #wildlife #sharknets #australia #ocean 2023-24 NHL Season Preview: San Jose Sharks Edition #AdamWylde #BrentBurns #career #HandPass #highlights #hockey #JesseBlake #karlsson #Leafs #LoganCouture #MapleLeafs #Meier #MikeGrier #NHL #PacificDivision #Playoffs #Podcast #SanJoseSharks #Sharks #StanleyCup #SteveDangle #SteveDanglePodcast #Toronto #WesternConference
#adamwylde #brentburns #career #handpass #highlights #hockey #jesseblake #karlsson #leafs #logancouture #mapleleafs #meier #mikegrier #nhl #pacificdivision #playoffs #podcast #sanjosesharks #sharks #stanleycup #stevedangle #stevedanglepodcast #toronto #westernconference
It's a shark bonaza on the featured posts that the moment! Although I've just redrawn a Great White in the last week as I'm not too happy with this one.
#sharks #biology #scicomm #sciart
#sciart #scicomm #biology #sharks
Another day, another shark. Today's featured post is my fact sheet on the great hammerhead.
#biology #scicomm #sharks