So, last and final shots today (I promise!):

Sharp CE-152 Cassette Recorder, Sharp CE-126P Printer & Cassette Interface and a Sharp PC 1248 (8 KB RAM) - all working perfectly!!

Yes, kids - this is what high-end, battery powered mobile computing looked like in the early 1980s.

So happy I could fix both interfaces today!

#sharp #pocketpc #sharp1401 #sharp1403

Last updated 3 years ago

Here's an old article (german language) from 2013 where I write about me building a DIY tape interface for the Sharp Pocket PC 14xx and 12xx series. This was the time when I started to tinker with electronics. (Article Link:

The schematic (courtesy of M. Nosswitz) can still be found at the Pocket Computer Museum (, but I add it here for the sake of completeness.


#pocket #pc #sharp #tape #interface #CE124 #pocketpc #sharp1401

Last updated 3 years ago