I am proud to let you know that my game


a tiny, little text adventure game for the Sharp Pocket PC 1403 / PC 1248 has now been released to the public!

You may find the code and *.WAV files (to load into your device) in this GitLab repository:


#sharp1403 #sharp1248 #pocketpc #basic #coding #game #textadventure #programming

Last updated 2 years ago

It's done! Here's 114 cm (44,8819 inch) of code printout (printed on a Sharp CE-126P) of the for the and mini by the name of:


Still need to set up a gitlab repo with all the files (BASIC code, WAV files to load into your device etc.) in it.

#basic #code #sharp1403 #sharp1248 #pocketpc #textadventure #game

Last updated 2 years ago

So here are some (real) screenshots of that little text adventure game for the Sharp Pocket PC models 1403 and 1248 which I started in 2012 and which is now close to being finished and released.

#sharp1403 #pocketpc

Last updated 2 years ago

With my Harlequin 128K build currently stalled, I *once again* pulled out my Sharp PC 1403 and went back to that little text adventure code I wrote on it back in 2012 and expanded the quest (yes *on* those tiny chicklet keys using that tiny LCD with only 24 chars per a single line - eat this, 1337ers !! 😂​)

Oh, BTW: the code can easily be transferred to my Linux PC using the "PocketTools" suite. From there it only takes an additional xmodem upload and two minor changes to the code to get the game to run on my using MBASIC

#rc2014 #basic #sharp #sharp1403 #pocketpc

Last updated 3 years ago

So, last and final shots today (I promise!):

Sharp CE-152 Cassette Recorder, Sharp CE-126P Printer & Cassette Interface and a Sharp PC 1248 (8 KB RAM) - all working perfectly!!

Yes, kids - this is what high-end, battery powered mobile computing looked like in the early 1980s.

So happy I could fix both interfaces today!

#sharp #pocketpc #sharp1401 #sharp1403

Last updated 3 years ago

Good Morning Everyone!

Yesterday I posted a photo of my DIY Sharp "Pocket PC 14xx/12xx" tape interface. Today I share with you this photo of the "Pocket PC" 1403 I used in the shots.

It seems that these little handhelds which were the leading edge of true, battery powered mobile computing in the early 1980s don't seem to get much love from the retro scene (execpt for maybe the Grundy "NewBrain").

And this is how you code simple BASIC programs. BASIC keywords are available through ZX Spectrum like shortcuts, e.g. instead of typing in the whole PRINT command you would simply press <SHIFT>+<P>.

#sharp #pocketpc #sharp1403

Last updated 3 years ago