I've been following Alex / OUTDOORS55 on youtube for a few years, and he puts out lots of great #knife #sharpening videos. I just watched this one, useful to understand sharpening and some common mistakes.
@husku Nost-alginen triggeri. đ§
Mm. tÀmÀn FAQ:n kirjoittajan kanssa tuli aikanaan vaihdettua ajatuksia veitsien teroittamisesta, https://www.scribd.com/document/44030382/Sharpening-FAQ#.
Sittemmin olen merkittÀvÀsti tylsynyt, enkÀ ole jaksanut selvittÀÀ edes, millaiset neuro-psykologiset tilanne-tekijÀt selkeimmin korreloivat vahingossa puraistuksi tulemiseen. Ei ihme, ettÀ esineille on joissain kulttuureissa animistiseerailtu sielua.
The Onion: Ozempic Under EU Investigation Over Reports Of Suicidal Thoughts https://www.theonion.com/ozempic-under-eu-investigation-over-reports-of-suicidal-1850633766 #healthmedicalpharma #suicidalideation #jessicathornhill #austinmarinello #kirbybecerra #socialissues #semaglutide #sharpening #marinello #sharpener
#healthmedicalpharma #suicidalideation #jessicathornhill #austinmarinello #kirbybecerra #socialissues #semaglutide #sharpening #marinello #sharpener
#woodworking help needed.
I have a iron that just cannot get flat. Thereâs a weird deep recess on the right side I just cannot grind flat. Even bought a triton wheel to obliterate it, but after an hour I donât seem to have made a bit of difference. I wouldnât be concerned if it wasnât so close to the edge.
Anyone got a 5â iron theyâre looking to part with?
#woodplane #sharpeningstones #sharpening
#sharpening #sharpeningstones #woodplane #woodworking
Got all the dinks and chips out. Reckon that's a nice enough edge. #knives #sharpening
So far a productive Monday.
Sharpened 5 Kitchen knives with my whetstone. Almost 100% there with regards to sharpness. Will take more time sharpening them next time, maybe just do one or two per session? #knives #kitchen #sharpening
Today on the blog
A review of a real game changer
#plugin #review #sharpening #upscaling #topazlabs #lightroom #noisereduction
#topazphotoai #plugin #review #sharpening #upscaling #topazlabs #lightroom #noisereduction
Kitchen knife sharpening day. Is that a Hallmark holiday? Is there a card for that? #chefknives #sharpening
This is the kitchen knife I spent some time on this afternoon.
It's so satisfying to see the shiny new edge slowly show up. I had to do each side twice on the mid-grit stone to get it balanced, but each step of the way, you get to see progress.
One unfortunate thing is that the difference in smoothness/roughness that I mentioned in the first post. The edge isn't completely uniform.
It is bloody freakin' sharp, though (ă»âă»)
#knives #sharpening #Whetstone
t was time to resharpen my favorite little scraper.
After truing the edges with a file, I stone the faces on a Soft Arkansas Stone. Then I stone the edges while holding the faces of the scraper against a small wooden block to keep the edges square to the stone. A light touch with the burnisher turns the edge, and I'm back to work.
#scraper #whetstone #burnisher #sharpening #sharpeningstone
#scraper #whetstone #burnisher #sharpening #sharpeningstone
Block printers, what method do you use to sharpen/hone your gouges? My strop isn't keeping my tools sharp enough anymore.
#Sharpening #HandTools #WoodCut #LinoCut #Pfeil #PrintMaking #MastoArt
#MastoArt #printmaking #pfeil #linocut #woodcut #handtools #sharpening
AI enhanced version of the previous pic of me as a kid. Pretty good result I think.
#upscaled #aienhanced #sharpening
I didn't take before photos but trust me, this #handplane iron was all out of whack, like it had lost several fights at different angles with a belt sander. I used the hand crank grinding wheel I recently purchased secondhand to redo the bevel and it worked really well to get it roughly square again! Finished on diamond stones and the plane is planing again.
Some more relevant tags:
#sharpening #handtools #handtoolwoodworking
#handplane #sharpening #handtools #handtoolwoodworking
The one thing you must do when #knife #sharpening is form, and remove the burr.