"When I hit the ball, everything bad inside me – the war, all these things, I let go of them,’ says Maram, 15. She has lived in Shatila since she was eight, when a bomb landed on her neighbours’ home and her parents hastily packed to leave. She comes to the football pitches where Alsama train to practise batting and bowling, which paid off when she delivered the last balls to win the championship"
#Refugees #Syria #Shatila #Beirut #Cricket #Photography
#Photography #cricket #Beirut #shatila #Syria #Refugees
I went to the #Shatila refugee camp. I saw maybe two posters with #Arafat, two with some #Hezbollah general. But I shit you not, I saw 100s of images of Tupac Shakur on hoodies and shirts sold in shops. And I swear, it was just #Tupac. There were no other shirts or hoodies with other images. Still blowing my mind.
#tupac #hezbollah #arafat #shatila
Ritorno al campo di Shatila 40 anni dopo il massacro dei palestinesi https://altreconomia.it/ritorno-al-campo-di-shatila-40-anni-dopo-il-massacro-dei-palestinesi/ #profughisiriani #campiprofughi #palestinesi #Attualità #palestina #rifugiati #falangi #israele #shatila #beirut #libano #unrwa #ONU #UN
#un #onu #unrwa #libano #beirut #shatila #israele #falangi #rifugiati #palestina #attualità #palestinesi #campiprofughi #profughisiriani
Buongiorno Palestina 65 https://radiowombat.net/buongiorno-palestina-65/ #campiprofughidelLibano #massacrodiTelElZa’atar #reportagefotografico #BuongiornoPalestina #Senzacategoria #campiprofughi #Cisgiordania #MircaGaruti #Assomoud #Alkemia #israele #Shatila #Arafat #Beirut #acqua #Sabra #UNRWA #Gaza
#campiprofughidelLibano #massacrodiTelElZa #reportagefotografico #buongiornopalestina #senzacategoria #campiprofughi #cisgiordania #MircaGaruti #Assomoud #Alkemia #israele #shatila #arafat #beirut #acqua #sabra #unrwa #gaza
PALESTINA&LIBANO: 36 ANNI FA, IL MASSACRO DI SABRA E SHATILA. http://www.radiondadurto.org/2018/09/17/palestinalibano-36-anni-fa-il-massacro-di-sabra-e-shatila/ #Internazionale #Palestina #shatila #Libano #sabra #News
#internazionale #palestina #shatila #libano #sabra #news