Here the wholemeal rye sourdough bread with inactive rye malt and seeds (pumpkin&sunflower).
It’s 100% rye! Leavened by rye starter in the salt-sour process (without yeast).
Because rye is very sticky after baking I let it rest for 36hours before slicing. Now the moisture is distributed evenly and the crumb does not stick to the knife.
#sourdough #ryesourdough #wholemealbread #food #sauerteig #Roggensauerteig #homebaker #hk #hongkong #shatin #germanbread
#sourdough #ryesourdough #wholemealbread #food #sauerteig #roggensauerteig #homebaker #hk #hongkong #shatin #germanbread
And here come s the crumb of 50% Durum wheat, 17% wholemeal wheat and SFB. Leavened by Lievito Madre. Think about increasing the wholemeal, as long as I can get this quality one.
#sourdough #sauerteig #sourdoughbread #sauerteigbrot #hongkong #shatin
#sourdough #sauerteig #sourdoughbread #sauerteigbrot #hongkong #shatin
One scored, one cooling down.
Sourdough bread with 50% Durum wheat, wholemeal wheat and SFB. Leavened by a Lievito Madre. Cold 16+ hrs proofing.
#sourdough #sourdoughbread #sourdoughbaker #hongkong #shatin
#sourdough #sourdoughbread #sourdoughbaker #hongkong #shatin
Wholemeal (100%) Wheat with a little rye because I used my rye sourdough starter. It’s a trial and I will improve this type (though I’m not crazy interested in wheat).
#sauerteig #sourdough #homebaker #hongkong #shatin
Using so called sourdough discard for these Brioche au Sucre. Up to 10 days old and not very active but enough to leaven a light enriched dough beautifully. No need to waste food!
#sourdough #sourdoughbaker #brioche #hongkong #shatin #lievitomadre #food
#sourdough #sourdoughbaker #brioche #hongkong #shatin #lievitomadre #food