Come si fa a conoscere un film a memoria, fotogramma per fotogramma e nel rivederlo per la millesima volta bere ogni parola come un assetato. #ShawshankRedemption
It's a first 😬🤷🏻♂️
#shawshankredemption #dieverurteilten #movienight #Movies @filmeundserien
#shawshankredemption #DieVerurteilten #movienight #movies
"Trust in the Lord, but your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank."
Guess what movie I'm watching?
I'm redoing the basement stairwell to my game room. Here are the poster selections so far. There's one more I'll add in the comments. So need to get a few more. Decisions Decisions.
#MoviePoster #matrix #shawshankredemption #RogueOne #valleyofdustandfire
#darksun #ad&d #brom #lordoftherings #alien #ravenloft #strahdvonzarovich #neo #undiscoveredcountry #startrek
#movieposter #matrix #shawshankredemption #rogueone #valleyofdustandfire #darksun #ad #brom #lordoftherings #alien #ravenloft #strahdvonzarovich #neo #undiscoveredcountry #startrek
Remember that hope is a good thing, Red, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.
#StephenKing (1947)
#RitaHayworthAndShawshankRedemption #ShawshankRedemption #HopeSpringsEternal #DifferentSeasons 1982
#stephenking #ritahayworthandshawshankredemption #shawshankredemption #hopespringseternal #differentseasons
Remember that hope is a good thing, Red, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.
#StephenKing (1947)
#RitaHayworthAndShawshankRedemption #ShawshankRedemption #HopeSpringsEternal #DifferentSeasons 1982
#stephenking #ritahayworthandshawshankredemption #shawshankredemption #hopespringseternal #differentseasons
Not very literal takes on 'author's vision' but...
Loved Ryusuke Hamaguchi's film 'Drive My Car' (2022). It makes a short story by Haruki Murakami epic by mashing it up with 'Uncle Vanya' by Anton Chekhov.
Also loved the great themes Frank Darabont's 'Shawshank Redemption' (1994) found in a Stephen King short story.
#DriveMyCar #ShawshankRedemption #film #shortstory #fiction #RyusukeHamaguchi #HarukiMurakami #AntonChekhov #StephenKing #FrankDarabont
#drivemycar #shawshankredemption #film #shortstory #fiction #ryusukehamaguchi #harukimurakami #antonchekhov #stephenking #frankdarabont
#progress report
So almost 24 hours on Mastodon and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Excited to have almost 100 followers :blobcatcool:
Bluebird had become so unpleasant.
There are great people on there, but it's getting through the boatloads of bots or RWNJ's that was it's downfall.
I would liken it it to Andy in #ShawshankRedemption crawling through hundreds of feet of raw sewage to get out to the blessed rain outside. #freefromtwitter
#progress #shawshankredemption #freefromtwitter
#ShawshankRedemption in #Cork, 1787: 'Three felons in the south gaol, under sentence of transportation, escaped from their dungeon through the sewer, and getting into the river at low water, waded across to the north side, with bar-bolts on them. They were afterwards taken.' This was the second escape attempt in a month, the other escapees just walked out the door.
#7FilmsToKnowMe in no particular order...
😎 :tribble:
#diehard #beetlejuice #startrekwok #starwarsoriginaltrilogy #backtothefuture #shawshankredemption #thekaratekid #7filmstoknowme
Modern movies are all about hero movies these days. I miss the older era movies.
#7filmstoknowme #shawshankredemption #thegodfather #romanholiday #thematrix #cinemaparadiso #loveactually #alien