I hate that all the women are wearing wedge heels.
It's like they noticed we hated them putting women heroes in high heels and just... tried to hide it?
Like, no, it still doesn't make any sense. It looks painful, and it's not fair on the actors! #Shazam2
I dislike that it's the disabled dude who is imperilled and depowered first. I'm guessing they want to Show He's Powerful Without His Powers, but let disabled people have fun, damn it! #Shazam2
Oh no, love-interest is one of the daughters of Atlas in disguise, isn't she? #Shazam2
Yeah, the school-girl-love-interest for Freddie isn't quite gelling, but I like the idea behind it. She's just too Shiny #Shazam2
Ooooh, dealing with the actually important issue of what happens when kids age out of the foster system. Yes! #Shazam2
KITTENS!!! - I don't know any of their names, but youngest sister superhero is so cute too. And I would so save the kittens first as well! #Shazam2
'Unicorns aren't real,' - there's totally gonna be a unicorn later (possibly multiple) isn't there? #Shazam2
Zachary Levy carries this off the way no one else could. These lines from any other actor would have me feel SO much second-hand embarrassment. #Shazam2
Yesssss - the first super-beings we see are older women: Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu!!
Annoying we had a fakeout where the museum dude assumes they are men because they're wearing armour and helmets, but at least the armour is practical! #Shazam2
Tão bom quanto o 1
o que não quer dizer muita coisa
é tipo um filme generico que as vezes é divertido e sempre é wholesome
mas o roteiro é terrível nada faz sentido e as crianças aparecem menos do que deveriam
Review for #Shazam2 :
The script includes too many ideas for its run time, causing all of the plotlines to feel undercooked. But Ponysmasher made some strong directorial choices, and the cast all did an excellent job, preventing the film from being down right bad.