Chatbot Start-Up Character.AI Valued at $1 Billion in New Funding Round - Founded by ex-Google employees, the Silicon Valley company is among the few start-ups poi... - #artificialintelligence #andreessenhorowitz #indexventuresllp #defreitasdaniel #venturecapital #shazeernoam #openailabs #start-ups #cohereinc #googleinc #chatgpt
#chatgpt #googleinc #cohereinc #start #openailabs #shazeernoam #character #venturecapital #defreitasdaniel #indexventuresllp #andreessenhorowitz #artificialintelligence
AI Is Becoming More Conversant. But Will It Get More Honest? - At a new website called Character.AI, you can chat with a reasonable facsimile of almost ... - #computersandtheinternet #artificialintelligence #your-feed-science #defreitasdaniel #conversation #shazeernoam #philosophy
#philosophy #shazeernoam #character #conversation #defreitasdaniel #your #artificialintelligence #computersandtheinternet