Chávez Vive đź’‰ :tknpl: · @Vz01
65 followers · 10765 posts · Server

Pk la drogue c'est de la merde par la prohibition,
La que me como por todas vias,
Madera roja

My symbiote IV's 1 carat/jump, more dipomatic declared french stocks.
btw : FR +UK just owe me 5Tons, stlen in international waters…
o muerte

For the mast vajority of people. 4MM
All's in , and we must act now

#benzoéthylecgonine #bzd #oh #shcblam #ecgonine #erythroxylon #FCKSNU #mee #geopardy #climateaction #frydaysforfuture #cocanoesdroga

Last updated 3 years ago