Rinn mi cùrsa rùsgaidh (bearraidh) a-rithist agus bha e math fhèin! Tha mi an dòchas gum bi an cothrom agam feadhainn chaorach a bharrachd a #rùsgadh am bliadhna. Glè thoilichte leis an inneal agam (Horner), ach bha e math diofar chìrean fheuchainn. Bidh mi a' cleachdadh Charger mar as abhaist, ach bha Topaz math cuideachd agus saoilidh mi gum faigh mi tè dhiubh, just in case.
#sheep #shearing #caoraich
#Caoraich #shearing #sheep #rusgadh
We start #shearing this weekend. The #sheep are definitely looking like warm marshmallows right now! The rams will be glad to get their fleeces off soon. Hawk's fleece weighed 8 lbs. last time! Heron's fleece seems more #fluffy than Hawk's this year. #wool #fiber #fleece #Rams
#shearing #sheep #fluffy #wool #fiber #fleece #rams
✨🐑✨ https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/shearing-sheep-valais-blacknose-ram
“Now, normally, #shearing a #ram would take me between three and four minutes, however, this big boy will take closer to eight minutes to shear. There is so much #wool on these #Valais Blacknose #sheep, on their legs, on their head, and even around their gentleman parts.”
The ram's name: North Kilduff George.
#shearing #ram #wool #valais #sheep #video #farm #animals #cute #scotland
Runter mit dem Plüsch!
Ich bin reichlich spät dran mit scheren. Dem Widder scheint das Resultat zu gefallen.
#walliserSchwarznase #schafschur #Schafe #sheep #shearing #valaisblacknose
#walliserSchwarznase #schafe #schafschur #sheep #shearing #valaisblacknose