Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023 @SHEARites Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fellowships. The projects sound fascinating! #SHEARites #VastEarlyAmerica
The call for nominations is now open for the 2023 #SHEARites Book Prizes (for books published in 2022). See the call for the four categories; nominations are due April 1. #history
Excited for this series of talks hosted by #SHEARites, featuring last year’s book prize winners Vanessa Holden, Tamika Nunley, Carolyn Eastman, and Peter Wirzbicki, and with moderators Kellie Carter Jackson and Craig Friend. #VastEarlyAmerica #histodons @histodons
#shearites #vastearlyamerica #histodons
There are a few updates for #SHEARites on the #JERPano, including the call for applications for the SHEAR DEI fellowships, the call for nominations for SHEAR officers, and a call for applications for the McNeil Center dissertation fellowships. Check them out here: