“All I really want” is tickets to see JAGGED LITTLE PILL, coming to Shea’s Buffalo Theatre in just TWO DAYS.
Get your tickets today! https://www.sheas.org/performances/jagged-little-pill/ Photo by Matthew Murphy, Evan Zimmerman for MurphyMade #sheas #buffalo #jaggedlittlepill
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/SheasBFLO/status/1665356020971892737
#sheas #buffalo #jaggedlittlepill
Want to learn more about DEAR EVAN HANSEN before seeing it later this month? Check out the
show’s study guide here:
#deh #buffalo #sheas #studyguide #dearevanhansen
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/SheasBFLO/status/1665005572914020352
#deh #buffalo #sheas #studyguide #dearevanhansen
Happy Birthday Alanis Morissette! What was your go-to song when her album JAGGED LITTLE PILL
came out in 1995?
Celebrate her day by getting tickets to see JAGGED LITTLE PILL, coming to Shea’s June 6-11: https://www.sheas.org/performances/jagged-little-pill/ #sheas #buffalony #jaggedlittlepill
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/SheasBFLO/status/1664291790843723777
#sheas #buffalony #jaggedlittlepill
"I feel like I've been dancing around the house to this album my whole life." Sit down with Allison Sheppard, who plays Bella Fox in Jagged Little Pill. Tix on sale now: https://www.sheas.org/performances/jagged-little-pill/
#jaggedlittlepill #alanismorissette #buffalotheatre #buffalony #sheas
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/SheasBFLO/status/1660788266616999938
#jaggedlittlepill #alanismorissette #buffalotheatre #buffalony #sheas