If "#!/usr/bin/env foo" is the preferred #shebang (for portable scripts) in order to find "foo" independent of its path, why isn't the recommended shebang "#!env foo" which would not assume a path for "env" either? 🤔
#shebang #shellscript #linux #unix
Ah ok.... :thaenkin:
“And why shebang? In music, '#' means sharp. So just shorten #! to sharp-bang. Or it might be derived from "shell bang". All this probably under the influence of the american slang idiom "the whole shebang" (everything, the works, everything involved in what is under consideration). [...] Sometimes it's also called hash-bang, pound-bang, sha-bang/shabang, hash-exclam, or hash-pling (british, isn't it?).„
#nowplaying #orenambarchi #shebang
This is not your "Suspension" / "Flypaper" Oren Ambarchi. It is as quiet a tour-de-force as you will encounter this year. A focused groove is embellished upon with impeccable restraint by an ensemble of supremely talented players. It unfurls over 35 minutes, never content to entrench itself in any one genre like, "this is math rock" or "this is jazz" or "this is trance". It just is.
#dragcity #Bestof #list #nowplaying #orenambarchi #shebang
Qué significa #!/bin/bash #scripts #bash #shebang https://blog.desdelinux.net/bin-bash/
Qué significa #!/bin/bash #scripts #bash #shebang https://blog.desdelinux.net/bin-bash/
First time used a #shebang for #node file with a plan: https://github.com/myTerminal/dotfiles/commit/52237c4e1dc35c8f180613912ae4eee9d0726725 🤓
#itconnect #shebang "Dans un script Linux, qu'est-ce que le shebang ?" #Linux #GNULinux #Script ... https://www.it-connect.fr/dans-un-script-linux-quest-ce-que-le-shebang/
#itconnect #shebang #linux #gnulinux #script