Our minute lovely spirit of hate and discontent has left us after a short battle with cancer. Miss Sheba Squeaks brought tiny flashing teeth and a humongous attitude to our household, and her absence will be keenly felt. #ShebaSqueaks #Chihuahua #RainbowBridge
A montage of photos and a short video of a small chihuahua with a huge attitude.
#shebasqueaks #chihuahua #rainbowbridge
Sheba Squeaks is not feeling well right now. She’s not wanting to eat probably because she got into something with guar gum (ate one of the other dog’s soft foods.) Unfortunately she has no fat to provide a safety zone. I had to resort to a Sonic chicken strip. Not ideal but it’s nutrition which is the key right now. #WednesdayWoofness #ShebaSqueaks #Chihuahua #DogsOfMastodon
#shebasqueaks #chihuahua #dogsofmastodon #wednesdaywoofness
Sheba is entirely too comfortable to care that her ears are adorable. #FabulousEarsFriday #TGIF #Friyay #WakeMeForTheWeekend #Chihuahua #ShebaSqueaks #DogsOfMastodon
Video is a chihuahua sleeping. A human carefully straightens her ear and it stands up. Then the human folds the ear again, and it remains folded. The chihuahua does not wake.
#fabulousearsfriday #tgif #friyay #wakemefortheweekend #chihuahua #shebasqueaks #dogsofmastodon
Failing to tolerate our current reality is the first step to making a new one. #ThursdayThoughts #Philosophy #ShebaSqueaks #DogsOfMastodon #chihuahua
#thursdaythoughts #philosophy #shebasqueaks #dogsofmastodon #chihuahua
Sheba Squeaks may be the Spirit of Hate and Discontent, but she knows how to take care of the people she loves. #ThursdayThoughts #Philosophy #ShebaSqueaks #DogsOfMastodon
#thursdaythoughts #philosophy #shebasqueaks #dogsofmastodon
Don’t ruin Sheba’s vibe. #PouchChihuahua #StayCozy #ShebaSqueaks #DogsOfMastodon
Video is a black chihuahua in a hoodie pouch.
#pouchchihuahua #staycozy #shebasqueaks #dogsofmastodon
I bought a hoodie with a pouch for the Sanctuary chihuahuas. Miss Sheba Squeaks is a fan. #Hoodie #WeirdoWednesday #WednesdayWoofness #ShebaSqueaks #ShebaSleeps #DogsOfMastodon
Video is a black chihuahua sleeping in the pouch of a pink hooded sweatshirt.
#hoodie #weirdowednesday #wednesdaywoofness #shebasqueaks #shebasleeps #dogsofmastodon
Sheba is singing the Song of Monday. #MondayMood #MondayMuttness #ShebaSqueaks #ShebaSings #DogsOfMastodon. Video is an old black chihuahua howling mournfully.
#mondaymood #mondaymuttness #shebasqueaks #shebasings #dogsofmastodon