My cat sheds, I don't shed a virus or vaccine. Hair, though...
#shedding #Querdenker #bullshit
#shedding #Querdenker #bullshit
Könnt ihr euch noch an den "Fäkalien Dschihad"* erinnern? Dies jetzt mit Impfstoffen. Dies und zwar genau dies. 🥴
#mussmanwissen #verschwörungstheorien #verschwörungserzählungen #shedding #impfstoffshedding
*Bitte schönäkalien-Dschihad
#mussmanwissen #verschworungstheorien #verschworungserzahlungen #shedding #impfstoffshedding
A writeup of Flocking 19 by Shedding on ye olde blog.
#Shedding #ConnorBell #SuperPang #SP21 #NowPlaying
#shedding #connorbell #superpang #sp21 #nowplaying
Tageswort #Kokolores
Wohl entstanden um 1930 in der Berliner Kokain-Szene und bezeichnete die durch Kokain ausgelöste Logorrhö (Wortkotze).
Bekannte #KokoloresBegriffe: #Heizhammer #LongLockdown #Shedding #Homöopathie
#homoopathie #shedding #Longlockdown #heizhammer #kokoloresbegriffe #kokolores
I am considering getting cat-hair coloured lounge clothes instead of my usual black ones 🙄
#catsofmastodon #cats #shedding
#shedding #cats #catsofmastodon
Peter McCullough's Shedding Stories
#covid #vaccine #vax #shot #jab #shedding #mrna #science #health #medicine #corona #virus
#covid #vaccine #vax #shot #jab #shedding #mrna #science #health #medicine #corona #virus
The spring is coming - lovely!
#spring #kevät #karvanlähtö #shedding #karvanlähtöaika #SheddingSeason #koira #koirat #dog #dogs #mastodogs #DogsOfMastodon #DogsOfFediverse #Mondog #hauvantai
#spring #kevat #karvanlahto #shedding #karvanlahtoaika #sheddingseason #koira #koirat #dog #dogs #mastodogs #dogsofmastodon #dogsoffediverse #mondog #hauvantai
RT @FakeDoctorReal1
Vor etwas mehr als einem Jahr erscheint dann das passende #PostVacFake Buch von #FlorianSchilling , welches die klassischen Impfgegner-Themen wie #Gentherapie, #Shedding #Immunschäden aufgreift aber letztendlich Grundlagen legt, für die PostVac Kampagne:
#postvacfake #florianschilling #gentherapie #shedding #immunschaden
En tiedä montako kuutiota #alusvilla a olin jo furminoinut, kun ohitsemme kulki nainen, sanoen "Ai että, ihana #karvanlähtö!"
Tyydyin murahtamaan "Joo.", vaikka siinä, kun silmät, korvat, suu, vaatteet, kaikki, on täynnä karvaa, tekisi lähinnä vain mieli karjaista, että "Ja mitähän ihanaa tässäkin on?!?!"
#Laika #ÄänislinnanLaika #koira #koirat #lenkillä #karvanlähtöaika #shedding #DogsOfMastodon #mastodogs #DogsOfFediverse #dog #dogs
#alusvilla #karvanlahto #laika #aanislinnanlaika #koira #koirat #lenkilla #karvanlahtoaika #shedding #dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #dogsoffediverse #dog #dogs
Yo, listen up here's a story
About a little guy
That lives in a blue world
And all day and all night
And everything he sees is just blue
Like him inside and outside
Blue his house
With a blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
Cause he ain't got nobody to listen to
I'm blue
Da ba dee da ba di #snake #kenyansandboa #bluesnake #shedding
#snake #kenyansandboa #bluesnake #shedding
#Shedding: Angst vor der Ansteckung bei Geimpften war gestern.
Jetzt herrscht blanke Panik vor Manipulation der DNA durch Insekten. 🤡
@Njord @ZeroCovidColin @wndlb
from what I’m observing, it seems to be a🐹🎡of #reinfection
There’s temporary stability for people recently infected, but they’re getting pummeled over & over again #variants
I should start tracking it… sometimes it presents as mild sniffles, but then it’s something far far more serious
Frankly, & I can’t prove this, but I think they are constantly infectious #shedding regardless of symptoms
When my neighbor nearly got me she👀not sick..
#reinfection #variants #shedding
From the belly we all grow,
The womb, a place we all well know.
A path that leads to the bow,
A tip that flies above below.
So grab your hides and pipes, so bold
This ride is wild and untold.
Changing arms to corsets blue,
Like a baby so brand new.
Will I remember the star I flew?
All the pain and love so true?
Familiar whispers from the Sioux,
Another lifetime gone, adieu.
#strength #honor #peace #love #peacepipe #nativeamercan #French #pastlife #pastlives #rebirth #shedding #snake #allies #spacebetween #poem #poetry
#strength #honor #peace #love #peacepipe #nativeamercan #French #pastlife #pastlives #rebirth #shedding #snake #allies #spacebetween #poem #poetry
Okay. Hier weiß ich nicht, ob ich lachen oder weinen soll. hast gesehen?
#shedding #Obst #Gemüse #Schwingungen #Impfung #COVID19
#shedding #Obst #gemuse #schwingungen #impfung #covid19
Anfang Januar stellte die Ex-#dieBasis-Politikerin #EvaRosen die wirklich wichtigen Fragen.
In der Winterzeit würden viele Menschen krank werden, da "was versprüht wurde" (#Chemtrails) oder "die Geimpften scheiden etwas aus, das uns krank macht" (aka #Shedding).
Ohne Worte.
#diebasis #evarosen #chemtrails #shedding
Say hello to my little friend!
It’s late December down under in Queensland which means Mr Kitty is reaching his shedding prime.
#CatsOfMastodon #TuxedoCat #TuxedoCatsOfMastodon #DMH #DomesticMediumHair #Fur #Shedding #Grooming #AdoptDontShop
#catsofmastodon #tuxedocat #tuxedocatsofmastodon #dmh #domesticmediumhair #fur #shedding #grooming #adoptdontshop
I wish I could just vacuum the cats. #fur #shedding #hairballs #ack #DontBrushMeIWillCutYou #Cats #catsofmastodon
#fur #shedding #hairballs #ack #dontbrushmeiwillcutyou #cats #catsofmastodon
I’m 100% for #IAQ
Waaaaay prior to #Pandemic I’ve had HEPA for bedroom just for all the dust. There’s a ton of PM 2.5 & #microplastics we are breathing in constantly #shedding #fossilFuel textiles #etc
Indoor air quality should be a priority period
I’m not sure there’s enough air exchanges possible per hour to get R0<1 & I know for myself, there is no way I would take a mask off to eat in a restaurant let alone even outside
I’m now practically a professional chef..
#iaq #Pandemic #microplastics #shedding #fossilfuel #etc