Three coats, two barking dogs and a rain shower later we have Part One finished. Of course there’s more paint on me than the shed. Which is great because the chip on my shoulder needed a new coat. #diy #project #didont #imsuppisedtobedogsitting #monday #newshed #shedtastic #painttheshed
#diy #project #didont #imsuppisedtobedogsitting #monday #newshed #shedtastic #painttheshed
There is an erection in my back garden. It’s dark. It’s muddy but we have a shed. With Windows. AKA: ‘Nosignofsummerhouse’.
#shed #summerhouse #shedsofinstagram #shedsofengland #findmeintheshed #fredintheshed #shedtastic
#shed #summerhouse #shedsofinstagram #shedsofengland #findmeintheshed #fredintheshed #shedtastic