Fiber friends - Rosie Keenan, wool expert and an old school pal, just became the individual world champion wool handler. How freakin awesome is Rosie!
#wool #yarn #fiber #sheepshearing #woolhandling
Fiber friends, my old school pal Rosie Keenan just became the individual world champion wool handler - how freakin awesome is Rosie!
#wool #yarn #fiber #sheepshearing #woolhandling
“Now, normally, shearing a #ram would take me between three and four minutes, however, this big boy will take closer to eight minutes to shear. There is so much #wool on these #ValaisBlacknose #sheep, on their legs, on their head, and even around their gentleman parts.”
#ram #wool #valaisblacknose #sheep #video #sheepshearing #animals #cute
It is this time of the year again...
Es ist wieder soweit.
#sheepshearing #sheep #ValaisBlacknose #schafe #schwarznasenschafe #schafscheren
#sheepshearing #sheep #valaisblacknose #schafe #schwarznasenschafe #schafscheren