Sheffield is being delightful this week. #sheffield #sheffielddocfest #documentary #film
#film #documentary #sheffielddocfest #sheffield
Sheffield is being delightful this week. #sheffield #sheffielddocfest #documentary #film
#film #documentary #sheffielddocfest #sheffield
The Fire Within: Requiem for Katia and Maurice Krafft (2022), #WernerHerzog. #Documentary.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to see this at #SheffieldDocFest but managed to catch it on #BBC #Storyville.
I liked the non-biographical approach and the focus on the Krafft’s images. I leave #Film #Reviews to critics, and I don’t give starts, but I’ve started to log what I’ve watched or re-watched - as an aide memoire more than anything else. Always happy to hear others thoughts.
#reviews #Film #storyville #BBC #sheffielddocfest #Documentary #WernerHerzog