📢Recruiting! Director of Sheffield Business School. Deadline 31 Aug.
We're a lovely bunch, doing exciting, applied research, innovation & knowledge exchange to make the world a better place (of course I'm biased...😆)
#research #academia
Happy to field informal questions from the POV of College Associate Dean Research.
#sheffieldhallamuniversity #research #academia
Dezeen : Sheffield Hallam University presents 10 student architecture projects https://www.dezeen.com/2023/07/13/sheffield-hallam-university-architecture-schoolshows/ #SheffieldHallamUniversity #Studentprojects #SchoolShows #Sheffield #all
#sheffieldhallamuniversity #studentprojects #schoolshows #sheffield #all
We have a volunteering opportunity for our forthcoming Peer Mediator's Conference on June 13th . This will be a celebration of what the young people have learnt throughout the year. There will be 100 young people from Primary schools supported by our staff and school staff.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact simon@cresst.org.uk .If you are a #sheffieldhallam student you can apply through your volunteering portal here:
#sheffieldhallam #sheffieldhallamuniversity #Sheffield
'Together with real estate developers, @sheffhallamuni@twitter.com’s @Hallam_VC@twitter.com “reached out” to the Jewish Chronicle, the publication noted, “explicitly stating that they wished to address [Abusalama’s] case.”¨'
#sheffield #sheffieldhallamuniversity #sheffhallamuni
'Together with real estate developers, @sheffhallamuni@twitter.com’s vice chancellor “reached out” to the Jewish Chronicle, the publication noted, “explicitly stating that they wished to address [Abusalama’s] case.”¨'
#sheffieldhallamuniversity #sheffhallamuni