Bei Cross Cult erscheint im Oktober #SheWhoBecameTheSun von #ShelleyParkerChan auf Deutsch đź‘€
#shewhobecamethesun #shelleyparkerchan
She Who Became the Sun (2021) von Shelley Parker-Chan. Der Aufstieg des chinesischen Kaisers Hongwu als kreative Neuerzählung, in der er eigentlich ein Mädchen ist, das sich für seinen verstorbenen Bruder ausgibt. Dabei macht das fulminante Antiheldinnenepos über die performativen Aspekte von Männlichkeit keinen Hehl daraus, dass es kein Happy End ist, zum totalitären Herrscher zu werden. Erfrischend.
#SheWhoBecameTheSun #ShelleyParkerChan #HeikeLiebtListen #Top15BĂĽcher2022
#shewhobecamethesun #shelleyparkerchan #heikeliebtlisten #top15bucher2022
She Who Became the Sun (2021) by Shelley Parker-Chan. In a genius twist this reimagines the rise of the Chinese emperor Hongwu as a genderbending epos about a girl who takes on her dead brother's identity. It goes dark places and in refusing to be the shining hero's tale people might expect gets all the more intriguing. It also does a deep dive into the performative aspects of masculinity, which I found absolutely amazing.
#SheWhoBecameTheSun #ShelleyParkerChan #HeikeLovesLists #BestBooks2022
#SheWhoBecameTheSun #shelleyparkerchan #heikeloveslists #bestbooks2022
@bookstodon seven of my favourite current SFF authors...impossible but here goes:
#MarthaWells (Raksura!)
#OctaviaButler (esp Dawn)
#AnnLeckie (Provenance is underrated)
#VondaNMcIntyre (R.I.P.)
(and sneaking in one more author as they've just had the one book so far #ShelleyParkerChan)
#marthawells #octaviabutler #annleckie #nkjemisin #ChinaMieville #rebeccaroanhorse #VondaNMcIntyre #shelleyparkerchan
@bookstodon seven of my favourite current SFF authors...impossible but here goes:
#MarthaWells (Raksura!)
#OctaviaButler (esp Dawn)
#AnnLeckie (Provenance is underrated)
#VondaNMcIntyre (R.I.P.)
(and sneaking in one more author as they've just had the one book so far #ShelleyParkerChan)
#marthawells #octaviabutler #annleckie #nkjemisin #ChinaMieville #rebeccaroanhorse #VondaNMcIntyre #shelleyparkerchan