Paul Wermer · @PaulWermer
122 followers · 2007 posts · Server

@persagen I'm stunned, surprised, in total disbelief that such a high integrity company could do such a thing

ANd a clear statement that intends to randomly kill people (especially economically vulnerable people) to maximize their profits:

; the wrong ; (actually still knows)

#climatecrisis #climateaction #ShellPlc #ShellOil #shellknew

Last updated 1 year ago

Celtic Fire · @CelticFire
39 followers · 227 posts · Server
DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1180 followers · 15437 posts · Server

Charleston gets early win in climate change lawsuit vs. ‘Big Oil’

By Clare Fieseler

Jul 8, 2023

"A federal judge has given the city of Charleston an early win in its climate change lawsuit against '' by ruling the case will stay in , where the city wants the issue fought.

"U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel agreed on July 5 that Charleston’s bid seeking to make companies pay for damages could proceed in state court, where it was initially filed.

"City officials welcomed the decision, which some legal experts say creates a more favorable stage in arguing that the multiple and companies which have operated in the U.S. for decades knew of the affects of their products.

"'We agree wholeheartedly with him,' said Chloe Field, a city spokeswoman. 'It is time to move towards trial in the Court of Common Pleas where we filed this case nearly three years ago.'

"In 2020, the city of Charleston filed the lawsuit against two dozen major and companies, alleging their products and the spread of misinformation about have caused leading to repetitive and disastrous in the city.

"Nationwide, almost two dozen state and local governments are pursuing similar litigation against oil companies seeking climate-related damages. The only government in the South to file such a case is the city of Charleston."

#bigoil #southcarolina #fossilfuel #climate #oil #gas #environmentally #hazardous #pipeline #fossilfuels #ClimateChange #flooding #petrostates #hexonexxon #exxonknew #shellknew #bpknew #lockuptherealcriminals #corporations

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1171 followers · 15333 posts · Server

So, it's okay to destroy heritage sites, pollute the planet, and appoint corporate lackeys to advisory boards -- but if you protest and cause disruption, you could face arrest?

The Australian cast as extremists

By Hannah Ritchie, BBC News Sydney, July 19, 2023

"In May, after several protests, the South Australia government introduced a A$50,000 maximum fine and three months jail for anyone 'recklessly' obstructing public spaces, while laws passed in New South Wales last year created a two-year maximum prison sentence for acts disrupting major roads or facilities.

", and parts of and the have also adopted similar laws aimed at blocking disruptive climate activism.

"In Western Australia, climate protesters say they have been 'disabled' by intimidating raids, strict bail conditions and orders which give authorities access to their devices and ban them from communicating with peers.

"According to Ms Grix, these tools were originally intended to deal with gangs and drug dealers.

"'To apply [that]... to climate defenders, who are protesting about environmental concerns, seems to be a massive overreach,' she says."

#indigenous #climate #protesters #extinctionrebellion #england #wales #canada #usa #petrostates #hexonexxon #exxonknew #shellknew #bpknew #lockuptherealcriminals #corporations #mockingjay #protests #climateactivism

Last updated 1 year ago

Celtic Fire · @CelticFire
30 followers · 173 posts · Server
Outi Leskinen · @outi
239 followers · 2377 posts · Server

näin se kehitys kehittyy 😁😋🍦

tämä on jäätelöä (ja toinen pallo sitruunaa alla)

ihan kyllä on herkullista 👌

lokkikin tuli fiilaamaan, mutta pysyy onneks muutaman metrin päässä

tää kolmas jakso, Syylliset esiin! pitäis jokasen journalistin ja poliitikon kunnella.

#pinacolada #ilmastokriisi #kesa #mikavapaaaika #media #uutiset #hallitusneuvottelut #exxonknew #shellknew #shellslies

Last updated 1 year ago

it's kat! · @kathimmel
1142 followers · 10150 posts · Server

is it possible to eradicate poverty whilst addressing the climate crisis & divesting of fossil fuels? the decent living energy project thinks so.

#Justice #sustainability #poverty #exxonknew #shellknew #ClimateCrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

Vor 45 Jahren wusste man bereits Folgendes: "The most obvious corrective action would be a major reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels."
RT @VatanHuzeir
Notably, the third article Shell's coalman Brian Elms was aware of conveyed the obvious policy measure to mitigate the climate problem: "The most obvious corrective action would be a major reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels".


Last updated 2 years ago

Shine McShine · @Shine_McShine
15910 followers · 2347 posts · Server

Las grandes corporaciones de combustibles fósiles fueron las primeras en tener datos científicos del impacto de sus actividades en el clima. Hasta hace nada se creía que la mayoría conocía el problema desde los 80, siendo la primera, con un informe interno en 1977.

Pero recientemente documentos desclasificados han demostrado que empezó a recabar información en los 60 y tenía informes científicos en 1975, que decidieron ignorar.

#exxon #shell #shellknew

Last updated 2 years ago

astraea · @astraea
1 followers · 20 posts · Server

Shell scenario report from 1989 which imagined two futures: SUSTAINABLE WORLD and GLOBAL MERCANTILISM


Last updated 2 years ago

Jörg Seidel · @lostgen
426 followers · 1765 posts · Server

Nicht nur auch , dass es zur kommen wird. Schon 1989 prognostizierten sie, dass es bei Umsteuerung der Welt in den 90ern Richtung es trotzdem zu +1°C und +30cm kommen würde. Und viel schlimmer, wenn nicht. Sie wählten "nicht" im .

#exxonknew #shellknew #klimakrise #FossilFrei #Lobbyismus

Last updated 2 years ago

Neeledgam · @Magdeleen
72 followers · 540 posts · Server

English article, same subject: how Shell found out much earlier than was before known about the climate disaster we're seeing today.

#shell #shellknew #climatedisaster #climatechange #climate

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
335 followers · 2379 posts · Server

Are you being lied to on social media? In adverts? By the business "leaders". Or some of the "paid off" politicians in the News? Is the News being "paid off" by a corporation?

Who can we trust? What we can, generally trust is science. The experiments, etc. But, how do you know that the "science" is really the science and not pseudoscience? Well, the more you learn of, for example, chemistry, the less other people can "greenwash" you with their ignorant or deceitful rhetoric.

What the fossil fuel industries really knew (& know) about climate change was very different from what they told the public. What the fuel industries really know about the harmful effects of inhaling air pollution is very different from what they say to the public.

Transcript from 'Drilled' S1: The Origins of Climate Denial

"That [Exxon] document goes on to say, "it is distinctly possible that the corporate planning department scenario will later produce effects which will indeed be catastrophic at least for a substantial fraction of the Earth's population." In another Exxon memo sent a few years before the one Kurt just read there, scientist James Black warned Exxon executives that in five to 10 years we could be facing some hard decisions about energy usage and climate change. He was talking about making those decisions in the early 80s. But by that time Exxon was starting to move in a different direction"

That different direction was propaganda (e.g., greenwash, misdirection, corruption, attacking the and climate on social media).



#science #BPknew #fordknew #gmknew #bigoil #climate #podcast #totalnew #chevronknew #polluterpaysprinciple #WindfallProfitTax #scientists #climatechange #new #BigOilKnew #exxonknew #shellknew

Last updated 2 years ago

Bee_flower · @Beeflower
310 followers · 8303 posts · Server

.et 1 minuut radio1 aan en n stroom aan racistisch geleuter uit de politiek. 😱 géén commentaar erbij. Alleen maar stop de instroom van migranten(en dan in xtrmrechts jargon). Als je dst zó graag wilt als politieke partij óók als.n malle klimaatakkoorden na gaan leven. Zoals Shell in 1991 al voorspelde komen er vluchtelingen stromen op gang door droogte en honger agv. misoogsten verstromingen etc etc. Climate of Concern


Last updated 2 years ago

Cyrus Mody · @ccmmody
184 followers · 98 posts · Server

for us, the question is, if (& , Total knew, utilities knew, etc.) what to make of those companies' involvement w/ conservation, non-fossil energy (& other oil actors' leadership in, e.g., the UN Environment Program) in the 1970s.

#exxonknew #shellknew

Last updated 2 years ago

☆ joene ☆ · @joenepraat
1246 followers · 21569 posts · Server

So not only knew! But also knew! Of course all those fossil criminals knew! When are we going to dismantle those ecological murderers with our bare hands?! /r We cannot trust state governments, because they are all complicit! So time to do it ourself! !

Environment Journal: *‘Exxon knew’: Oil company accurately predicted climate crisis in 70’s*

#ecocide #fossils #fossilfuel #exxonmobil #exxonknew #shellknew #climatecrime #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #climateactionnow #exxon #shell

Last updated 2 years ago

☆ joene ☆ · @joenepraat
1246 followers · 21569 posts · Server

So not only knew! But also knew! Of course all those fossil criminals knew! When are we going to dismantle those ecological murderers with our bare hands?! /r

Environment Journal: *‘Exxon knew’: Oil company accurately predicted climate crisis in 70’s*

#ecocide #fossils #fossilfuel #exxonmobil #exxonknew #shellknew #climatecrime #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #exxon #shell

Last updated 2 years ago

☆ joene ☆ · @joenepraat
1246 followers · 21569 posts · Server

So not only knew! But also knew! Of course all those fossil criminals knew! When are we going to dismantle those ecological murderers with out bare hands?! /r

Environment Journal: *‘Exxon knew’: Oil company accurately predicted climate crisis in 70’s*

#ecocide #fossils #fossilfuel #exxonmobil #exxonknew #shellknew #climatecrime #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #exxon #shell

Last updated 2 years ago

jasperboszwolle · @jasperboszwolle
522 followers · 357 posts · Server
Anyone still doubting if and knew...

#exxonknew #shellknew

Last updated 2 years ago

· @RaimoKangasniemi
99 followers · 41415 posts · Server


Did you know that oil firms spend tens of millions of dollars a year on climate lobbying?

So this is money spent to delay, control or block policies to tackle climate change.


#greenwashing #shellknew

Last updated 2 years ago