Are there particular challenges you have - or maybe a function you wish you had - when shell scripting using dates/times ?
#bash #shellscript #commandline
jqコマンドのストリーミング処理 (--stream) をパイプでawkにつなぐ方法のまとめ
#qiita #ShellScript #Bash #AWK #UNIX
#qiita #shellscript #bash #awk #unix
#qiita #ShellScript #Erlang #関数型言語 #Elixir #Docker
#qiita #shellscript #erlang #関数型言語 #elixir #docker
Salut par ici ! Pour le #stream #twitch de ce soir, script shell et DNS dynamique sur ! #twitchfr #twitchstreamer #sysadmin #netadmin #devops #homelab #shell #shellscript #dns #dynamicdns #bind
#stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstreamer #sysadmin #netadmin #devops #homelab #shell #shellscript #dns #dynamicdns #bind
#qiita #ShellScript #Bash #Linux #AWS #vuls
#qiita #shellscript #bash #linux #aws #vuls
#ProtonVPN and #Linux.... so, it works great, but has a weird thing where if you suspend or hibernate your desktop session, you get disconnected and have to delete the UUID for vpn-ipv6leak-protection before it will let you reconnect.
Thinking of making a #ShellScript to do this for me, but for now I just run <nmcli connection show>, copy the UUID, then <nmcli connection delete> with the UUID, and then reconnect.
Anyways; it's a fine morning, here.
#protonvpn #linux #shellscript
For your shell scripts — what are you using for testing them?
#bash #cli #shellscript #testing
If "#!/usr/bin/env foo" is the preferred #shebang (for portable scripts) in order to find "foo" independent of its path, why isn't the recommended shebang "#!env foo" which would not assume a path for "env" either? 🤔
#shebang #shellscript #linux #unix
Das Poster für meine Radreise rund um die Schweiz wird dieses Mal eventuell eine reine Schwarzweiß-Collage. Hab gestern etwa 200 Bilder der Reise mit diversen App-Kombinationen als Schwarzweißfotos geappt. #UmsLand #Appspressionism #Appspressionismus #snapseed #collage
Im nächsten Schritt werden die Bilder mit #Gimp in Form gebracht und mit einem #Shellscript zur Collage gefügt.
#umsland #appspressionism #appspressionismus #snapseed #collage #gimp #shellscript
what do you wish was easier about Bash scripting?
#shell #shellScript #commandLine
,print_path () {
echo 'PATH=\n'
echo "$PATH" | tr : \\n | sed 's/^/ /'
#shell #shellscript #commandline
How To Migrate From Snap Packages To Flatpak Using Unsnap In Ubuntu #Snap #Flatpak #Unsnap #Ubuntu #Linux #ShellScript
#Snap #Flatpak #Unsnap #Ubuntu #Linux #shellscript
If you use diff to compare files in your #shellscript, don't. Instead use cmp utility .
I know everyone is very hot for Wireguard lol, but I still love openvpn and it works just fine. Made a simple bash script to cut my client keys and zip them up and then drop the scp command to get them to my offsite before I zap public ssh on the remote server. It was simple, but fun to make. - Hope everyone is well! #freesoftware #gnulinux #bash #shellscript
#freesoftware #gnulinux #bash #shellscript
Here is one of the best scripting examples I have seen in a while.
I still don't believe someone actually wrote this.
if [ $id -ne $old_id ]
PrintMsg "ERROR - id not equal to old id "
exit_func 0
On top of that - ALL errors exited with status 0 in this script.
#scripting #script #unix #linux #shell #shellScript #unbelievable #StillProcessing
#headdesk #smartcoding #scripting #script #unix #linux #shell #shellscript #unbelievable #stillprocessing
The traditional better method than sort|uniq is of course
awk '!x[$0]++'
which everyone doing text processing should learn.
So starting from that you can easily arrive at
awk '{x[$0]++;} END {for(k in x) {print x[k],k;}}'
whose output you just need to sort.
+1 script criado, dessa vez com o transmission-cli (cliente torrent).
#archlinuxbr archlinux #linux #shellscript #brasil #brazil #bash #brazilian #linuxbr
#archlinuxbr #linux #shellscript #brasil #brazil #bash #brazilian #linuxbr
If you're looking for a way to safely use any application with the #tor network, without the overhead of #whonix, then I suggest you try TorVirt.
It's a simple #shellscript that sets up a #libvirt #virtual #network and a Tor daemon in a #lightweight #rootless #podman #container.
This way, all #VM network traffic is routed through Tor, without the need for a second gateway VM.
Enhanced #security with #KVM performances!
I'd love to hear your feedback 🤗
#tor #whonix #shellscript #libvirt #virtual #network #lightweight #rootless #podman #container #vm #security #kvm
fui, uma boa madrugada para quem fica!
#fui #archlinuxbr #brasil #linux #brazil #shellscript #bash #descanso #dormir #madrugada
#fui #archlinuxbr #brasil #linux #brazil #shellscript #bash #descanso #dormir #madrugada
repositorio dos meus projetos:
#repositorio #gitea #projetos #linux #softwarelivre #opensource #linux #archlinuxbr #brasil #brazil #shellscript #python
#repositorio #gitea #projetos #linux #softwarelivre #opensource #archlinuxbr #brasil #brazil #shellscript #python