TriploidTree · @triploidtree
251 followers · 2450 posts · Server

After a lot of heartbreak and internet searching, my semi-smart doorbell is finally working.
It uses a to detect the button presses (for those times I think I heard the doorbell but did I?).
The transformer was swapped from 8V AC to 12V AC. The Uni is connected with diode to the switch, a diode to live, and "sensor ground" to neutral. Otherwise it works like any 20yo door bell.
Now knows when the doorbell has been rang and sends a notification ~0.5 seconds later

#shellyuni #homeassistant

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Wetherill · @stevewetherill
75 followers · 61 posts · Server

Has anyone else had issues ordering from in the USA?

Ordered a Shelly Uni 10 days ago, the credit card was charged, then crickets. Opened a support ticket 2 days ago, they are "checking with the US team".

In the meantime ordered a second from Ameridroid, which is out for delivery today. So, yay for that, but curious about ordering from the Shelly site and whether that is typically problematic?

#shelly #shellycloud #shellyuni #homeassistant

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Wetherill · @stevewetherill
70 followers · 44 posts · Server

Finally got around to setting up the . I am running , primarily motivated to monitor the water level in our well fed water tanks (ahem, well pump controller failed and we ran out of water). It’s overkill for this application really, and I don’t have the tank level sensor sorted out yet (looking at using a ) but having fun setting it all up!

#rasperrypi400 #homeassistant #shellyuni

Last updated 2 years ago