Another Sheltem Saturday, the Pit is largely done and the quests associated with it, it's time to learn new skills, particularly Grandmaster and Master magic skills, join us live in part 25 of our playthrough of Might and Magic VII
#sheltemsaturday #RPG #MightAndMagic #beard #JVC
It's Sheltem Saturday again, and it's time for part 24 of our play-through of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honour.
We're in the pit, it's the pits, join us
#SheltemSaturday #MightAndMagic #RPG #RetroGaming #JVC #Beard
#sheltemsaturday #MightAndMagic #RPG #retrogaming #JVC #beard
It's another Sheltem Saturday, we're still in the Sewers trying to finish a Quest, but then we need to get back to the Deyja map, and finish that off, join us live
#SheltemSaturday #MightAndMagic #RPG #RetroGaming #JVC #Beard
#sheltemsaturday #MightAndMagic #RPG #retrogaming #JVC #beard
It's a late Sheltem Saturday and it's time to tackle, the Temple of Baa, in Technicolour where available, live now
#RetroGaming #MightAndMagic #RPG #SheltemSaturday #Beard #JVC
#retrogaming #MightAndMagic #RPG #sheltemsaturday #beard #JVC
Took me half an hour to get the game running again with the latest Windows 10 update, but here it is, in glorious technicolor, part 20 of our playthrough of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honour, we continue exploring the Avlee map, live now
#RetroGaming #RPG #MightAndMagic #SheltemSaturday #Beard #JVC
#retrogaming #RPG #MightAndMagic #sheltemsaturday #beard #JVC
It's Sheltem Saturday and after a short vacation break, we're back at it in part 19 of our playthrough of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honour.
Secondary promotion quests thoughts, various remaining things, the Avlee map outside area, time for some cleanup, live now
#SheltemSaturday #MightAndMagic #RPG #RetroGaming #Beard #JVC
#sheltemsaturday #MightAndMagic #RPG #retrogaming #beard #JVC
Another Sheltem Saturday, part 18 of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honour, still on Mount Nighon, which is nigh on endless, quite a few monsters still to clear out and then a little bit of exploration of the rest of the map. Join us, live now
#RPG #RetroGaming #MightAndMagic #SheltemSaturday #Beard #JVC
#RPG #retrogaming #MightAndMagic #sheltemsaturday #beard #JVC
We got through the Nighon tunnel eventually, now to fully explore the other side and the wonders of finally being able to cast the Master level Water magic spells, join us in part 17 of our playthrough of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honour
#SheltemSaturday #MightAndMagic #JVC #Beard #RetroGaming #RPG
#sheltemsaturday #MightAndMagic #JVC #beard #retrogaming #RPG
We need to get to Nighon, which seems nigh on impossible, but we have invisibility, and lots of healing, maybe we can, join us for another Sheltem Saturday in part 16 of our playthrough of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honour, live now
#sheltemsaturday #RPG #retrogaming #beard #JVC
Foggy and dreary day in Erathia, won't let that stop us, we need to gain better spells and finish earning Master level skills in the magic arts to continue, join us in part 15 of our playthrough of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor, live now
#SheltemSaturday #Beard #JVC #MightAndMagic #RPG #RetroGaming
#sheltemsaturday #beard #JVC #MightAndMagic #RPG #retrogaming
Once again in Erathia, our sights are set for the Bracada Desert and another run at the Walls of Mist with a combination of our invisibility scroll and some running and dodging, join us now live in part 13 of our playthrough of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honour
#RetroGaming #RPG #MightAndMagic #SheltemSaturday #Beard #JVC
#retrogaming #RPG #MightAndMagic #sheltemsaturday #beard #JVC
It's a Foggy day in Deyja on this fine Sheltem Saturday, let's head into the ground and discover the Pits of Deyja in part 12 of our play-through of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honour, live now
#RetroGaming #RPG #MightAndMagic #JVC #Beard #SheltemSaturday
#retrogaming #RPG #MightAndMagic #JVC #beard #sheltemsaturday
We rescued the dwarves from the mines and they've done a good job cleaning up the castle. We need to go see the queen, maybe pick up a few more spells, and pick the path for our next adventure. Join us for part 7 of our playthrough of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honour on this fine Sheltem Saturday, live now
#MightAndMagic #RPG #SheltemSaturday #RetroGaming #JVC #Beard
#MightAndMagic #RPG #sheltemsaturday #retrogaming #JVC #beard
We'll be streaming Might and Magic VII, For Blood and Honor tonight at 22:00 UTC, but if you suffer from insomni or like manuals, we did read the manual and create the party last night as a prelude to tonights stream, you can catch the VoD here:
#sheltemsaturday #JVC #beard #RPG #retrogaming
Nothing but devils as we tackle the rest of area around Paradise Valley and Sweet water in part 45 of our playthrough of Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven, live now
#SheltemSaturday #MightAndMagic #JVC #Beard #RPG #RetroGaming
#sheltemsaturday #MightAndMagic #JVC #beard #RPG #retrogaming