Tellin ya, #ShelterDogsInAntlers is a whole different ballgame from #DogsInAntlers. It’s walking through kennel full of dogs all barking Pick me! Pick me! Saying ok who wants to wear the antlers? From there, it’s just roll of the dice. Some don’t care, some hate them and try to get them off. If they do stay on, then I have to get super fast pic because it usually doesn’t last. All around walks and poops and pets and zoomies. It really is a lot of fun. I feel lucky to spend some of my time with these silly lovable dogs. This is Eren at LC4 Toledo Ohio #ShelterDogsOfMastodon #PitbullsofMastodon
#shelterdogsinantlers #dogsinantlers #shelterdogsofmastodon #PitbullsofMastodon