75 years ago:
Fiddlers Three (US)
The stooges are musicians at the court of King Cole. When they ask the king's permission to marry their sweethearts, the King agrees, but only after Princess Alicia has married Prince Valiant. This news upsets Mergatroyd, an evil magician who plans to marry the Princess himself and rule the Kingdom....
#FiddlersThree #ShempHoward #MoeHoward #VernonDent #Columbia #ClassicFilm #ThreeStooges
#fiddlersthree #shemphoward #moehoward #vernondent #columbia #classicfilm #threestooges
74 years ago:
Hokus Pokus
The stooges are taking care of their invalid friend Mary who is confined to wheelchair. What they don't is that Mary is only faking her disability to swindle the insurance company. When the boys witness a hypnotist, "The Great Svengarlic", doing his act on the street, they think he might be able to ...
#HokusPokus #ShempHoward #MoeHoward #DavidBond #Columbia #ThreeStooges #Film
#hokuspokus #shemphoward #moehoward #davidbond #columbia #threestooges #film
73 years ago:
Love at First Bite (US)
The stooges reminisce about the girls they met overseas while in the military. As they wait for the girls' ship to arrive, they get drunk and Shemp winds up asleep with his feet in a tub of cement. After sobering up, they free Shemp with a dynamite blast that lands them at the dock where their sweet...
#LoveatFirstBite #MoeHoward #ShempHoward #Columbia #ThreeStooges #Movies
#loveatfirstbite #moehoward #shemphoward #columbia #threestooges #movies
76 years ago:
Out West
The stooges go out west for Shemp's health and get mixed up with some bad guys. The villains have locked up the Arizona Kid and their leader plans to marry his girl, Nell. The boys help the Arizona Kid escape and he rides to fetch the Cavalry. Somehow, the stooges manage to defeat the bad guys befor...
#OutWest #ShempHoward #LarryFine #MoeHoward #Columbia #Western #ThreeStooges #Movies
#outwest #shemphoward #larryfine #moehoward #columbia #western #threestooges #movies
68 years ago:
Bedlam in Paradise (US)
Shemp dies but cannot get into heaven until he reforms Moe and Larry. He returns to earth as an invisible spirit and sets out to prevent the other two stooges, who are in league with the devil, from selling a phony invention (a fountain pen that writes under whip cream) to a rich couple. Shemp sabot...
#BedlaminParadise #ShempHoward #MoeHoward #Columbia #Film
#bedlaminparadise #shemphoward #moehoward #columbia #film
67 years ago:
Flagpole Jitters (US)
The stooges are taking care of their invalid friend Mary who is confined to wheelchair. At their jobs in a theater, where they hope to earn money for an operation for Mary, they witness a hypnotist, doing his act. The stooges become subjects for his show and are hypnotized into walking out on a flag...
#FlagpoleJitters #ShempHoward #MoeHoward #VernonDent #Columbia #ThreeStooges #ClassicMovies
#flagpolejitters #shemphoward #moehoward #vernondent #columbia #threestooges #classicmovies
73 years ago:
Dopey Dicks (US)
The stooges become detectives and go to the aid of girl in the clutches of a mad scientist. The boys arrive at a spooky mansion where the madman is building a mechanical man that needs a human head. After declining the opportunity to supply a stooge-head for the experiment, they find the girl and es...
#DopeyDicks #ShempHoward #Columbia #ClassicFilm #ThreeStooges #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#dopeydicks #shemphoward #columbia #classicfilm #threestooges #classicmovies #movies #film