✨ New video ✨
🎥 "Afghanistan: Women Resisting the Hegemonic Man System"
➡️ As #YPJ we support the campaign "Against the attacks of the hegemonic man, we stand alongside the women of #Afghanistan & #Shengal.” launched by @KJK_English
👉 Watch here:
🔗 https://ypj-info.org/targeting-women/afghanistanwomen-resisting-the-hegemonic-man-system/
On yesterday's Women's Forum in #Raqqa, women of the #YPJ, Kongra Star, #Yazidi Women's Union, Jineology, Zenubya Women's Community & Syrian Women's Council discussed strategies against #femicide
➡️ The Forum supported the KJK's campaign for women in #Shengal & #Afghanistan
#raqqa #ypj #yazidi #femicide #shengal #afghanistan
The Women's Forum in #Raqqa started today with a minute of silence for all women who had become victims of genocide & murder
➡️ The Forum aims to connect women struggles in #Rojava/NE-#Syria, #Shengal & #Afghanistan
➡️ #YPJ members are sharing their experience on Self-Defense
#raqqa #Rojava #syria #shengal #afghanistan #ypj
Today in #Raqqa - the city #ISIS called its capital - a Women's Forum will be held
➡️ Women's organizations from NE-#Syria & the #MiddleEast will discuss about the situation of women in #Shengal & #Afghanistan & find ways to increase & connect different women' struggles
#raqqa #isis #syria #MiddleEast #shengal #afghanistan
"Viaggio a #Shengal tra il popolo Ezida vittima senza tempo (prima parte)."
#HumanRights #Pace #peace #NOwar #6agosto
#shengal #kurdistan #humanrights #pace #peace #nowar #6agosto
🌹 Diyar Şoreş defended his land & people since 2011
➡️ When #ISIS attacked #Shengal, he helped to open a corridor to Cezaa/#Rojava
➡️ Later, he participated in the liberation of the Yazidis in Shengal
➡️ After returning to NE-#Syria, he joined various anti-ISIS offensives
🌹 Orhan Qamişlo joined the #YPG at the beginning of the revolution & took part in many battles
➡️ In 2015, while fighting #ISIS in Til Temir he got injured for the 1st time
➡️ During the #Raqqa operation he lost several limbs but continued his struggle as a war-disabled person
#isis #shengal #syria #ypg #raqqa
🌹 4 #YPG fighters martyred in Turkish drone strike in Qamishlo
➡️ On August 3 - the anniversary of the #YazidiGenocide in #Shengal - #Turkey targeted the YPG
➡️ The Turkish state is continuously attacking those who defeated #ISIS & rescued the Yazidis in Shengal
#ypg #yazidigenocide #shengal #turkey #isis
#Shengal was a well prepared #genocide
➡️ Before the massacre, the Kurdistan Democratic Party #KDP seized all the weapons of the Yazidis
➡️ When #ISIS approached, KDP’s Peshmerga forces withdrew & even took some of the PKK guerillas into custody who came to rescue the #Yazidis
#shengal #genocide #kdp #isis #yazidis
🌹 Today marks the 9th anniversary of the #Yazidi #genocide in #Shengal
➡️ On August 3, 2014, the #IslamicState killed, beheaded, raped & kidnapped 1000s of Yazidis
➡️ #ISIS abducted thousands of Yazidi girls & women & sold them at slave markets
#yazidi #genocide #shengal #islamicstate #isis #RecognizeYazidiGenocide #daesh
#YPJ supports women in #Afghanistan & #Shengal
📢 "We give our promise to all the women who have been victims of the attacks of male oppression, that we will enhance & deepen the struggle of women’s liberation from #Rojava to Shengal to Afghanistan."
#ypj #afghanistan #shengal #Rojava
Women of North & East #Syria launch campaign from 3. to 15.8. in solidarity with the women of #Shengal & #Afghanistan
➡️ August 3rd marks the anniversary of #ISIS' attack on the #Yazidi people in Shengal
➡️ August 15 marks the day when the #Taliban seized power in Afghanistan
#syria #shengal #afghanistan #isis #yazidi #taliban
Joint campaign of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of #Afghanistan (RAWA) & the #Kurdistan Women's Communities (KJK)
➡️ The campaign starts on the anniversary of the #Shengal Massacre on Aug. 3 & continues until Aug. 15, the day the #Taliban seized power in Afghanistan
📢 "Knowing that the just & legitimate struggle of the women of #Shengal & #Afghanistan is our own struggle, we call on all women’s organizations to support this resistance & claim accountability for the feminicides in Shengal & Afghanistan.”
🔗 kjkonline.net/en/nivis/674
#afghanistan #kurdistan #shengal #taliban
Dossier: La guerra de Turquía con drones contra el sistema democraticó liderado por mujeres en el norte y este de Siria
»»---> Enlace: https://www.federacionanarquista.net/dossier-la-guerra-de-turquia-con-drones-contra-el-sistema-democratico-liderado-por-mujeres-en-el-norte-y-este-de-siria/
Este dossier examina el asesinato de tres funcionarios de la Administración Autónoma del norte y este de Siria por un .. @AnarquismoHoy@twitter.com via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com #Kurdistan #FreeOcalan #bashur #HPG #YJAStar #turquia #Erdogan #LausanneFailure #ISIS #pkk #europa #feminisme #Shengal #yazidigenocide #jineoloji
#kurdistan #freeocalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #turquia #erdogan #LausanneFailure #isis #pkk #europa #feminisme #shengal #yazidigenocide #jineoloji
"Il riconoscimento del genocidio subìto dal popolo ezida è doveroso e necessario.
Tra morti e profughi, la popolazione si è ridotta da 500 mila a 250 mila abitanti."
#Shengal #Kurdistan #Yezidi #ezidi
#Iraq #Isis #HumanRights
#shengal #kurdistan #yezidi #ezidi #iraq #isis #humanrights #21giugno
📢“Uno de los planes para aniquilar al pueblo yazidí es evitar su regreso a Shengal”
✅El vicepresidente del Consejo Autónomo de Shengal, Hisen Sado, indicó que el estado turco invasor atacó a la gente de Shengal como parte de sus planes para evacuar la ciudad yazidí.
via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com
#Kurdistan #Başûr #Sengal #yazidigenocide #bashur #HPG #YJAStar #turquia #Erdogan #LausanneFailure #ISIS #pkk #europa #Shengal
#kurdistan #Basur #sengal #yazidigenocide #bashur #hpg #yjastar #turquia #erdogan #LausanneFailure #isis #pkk #europa #shengal
KURDISTAN: A MENO DI UN MESE DAL SISMA, NUOVI ATTACCHI TURCHI IN NORD-IRAQ E SIRIA https://www.radiondadurto.org/2023/03/01/kurdistan-a-meno-di-un-mese-dal-sisma-nuovi-attacchi-turchi-in-nord-iraq-e-siria/ #autonomiademocratica #Internazionale #bombardamenti #armichimiche #kurdistan #attacchi #Shengal #Turchia #rojava #aanes #droni #Siria #News #Iraq
#autonomiademocratica #internazionale #bombardamenti #armichimiche #kurdistan #attacchi #shengal #turchia #rojava #AANES #droni #siria #news #iraq
🌹General Command of the Shengal Resistance Units (#YBŞ) announces the death of Pîr Çeko & Agir Cefrî
📢 "On 27 February 2023 at 11.35am, the fascist Turkish state carried out a drone attack on a vehicle. Two of our commanders were killed."
➡️ The Yazidi people survived the #ISIS genocide in their ancient homeland #Shengal (#Kurdistan region of #Iraq)
➡️ Since then, they built their autonomous administration & the defense forces YBŞ/YJŞ
➡️ #Turkey is killing leaders of the Yazidi community & those who fought ISIS
#ybs #isis #shengal #kurdistan #iraq #turkey
RT @rk70534@twitter.com
The #Kurdistan National Congress said that the German parliament’s decision to recognise the #Yazidi Genocide is positive, but not enough, and more must be done to ensure the safety of the Yazidi community in #Shengal.
https://youtu.be/6rYK6_M_e7s via @YouTube@twitter.com
The #Kurdistan National Congress said that the German parliament’s decision to recognise the #Yazidi Genocide is positive, but not enough, and more must be done to ensure the safety of the Yazidi community in #Shengal.
https://youtu.be/6rYK6_M_e7s via @YouTube@twitter.com