I absolutely agree with my friend @DavidAltonHL about #ShenYun 👇 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/benedictrogers/status/1649377774279495681#m
#warning DON'T waist your money! #ShenYun is a #rightwing #religious #Cult
Follow the link to see why.. (see screen shots to hear from folks who saw the show).
#cult #religious #rightwing #shenyun #warning
R to @benedictrogers: ▶️On Friday I'm taking my younger nephew to see #ShenYun https://www.shenyun.com/london?utm_source=Adwords_Search_Brand&utm_campaign=Search-Brand_London-UK-LND-UK001&utm_adgroup https://nitter.hongkongers.net/benedictrogers/status/1645217326713765889#m
Getting ready to go see Shen Yun tonight...second time, looking forward to it
And foot binding. Ah, those Beautiful Rotting Feet Before Communism. Makes you wonder how those women dance so well on stage.
Look back before paranoia of the Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen massacre, Uyghur genocide. The rebellion itself was an act of desperation that ended a class system so cruel that the rich literally spoke a different language than the poor.
2/2 #Socialism #Communism #China #FalunGong #ShenYun #CanPoli #CdnPoli #Ottawa
#Ottawa #cdnpoli #canpoli #shenyun #falungong #China #communism #socialism
Falun Gong's been taking lessons from the Mormons and make house calls now? I just spoke to two cultists who rang my doorbell and handed me a Shen Yun brochure.
"The Beauty of China Before Communism". I'm not a fan of the current state of China's attempt at communism but they were pretty ripe in the 40s. Starvation and poverty so widespread that Mao's army took entire cities just by offering people a bit of food.
1/2 #Socialism #Communism #China #FalunGong #ShenYun #CanPoli #CdnPoli #Ottawa
#Ottawa #cdnpoli #canpoli #shenyun #falungong #China #communism #socialism
Shared by a co-worker on Slack, don’t know the source 😂 #ChineseSpyBalloon #ShenYun
Do you think #FalunGong is a #cult or #religion?
Have you heard of it? What do you think?
What about the #EpochTimes #newspaper or #ShenYun dance performance?
Same group.
The same organization #FalunGong owns both. The Epoch Times is their #propaganda arm and Shen Yun is the PR cash cow.
They use it to proclaim how awesome China was before #communism and make money. They intentionally keep it distanced from the organization.
#falungong #cult #religion #epochtimes #newspaper #shenyun #propaganda #communism #chinese #philosophy #tao #falundafa #buddhism #poll
#ShenYun - Falun Gong afera dela eta, asko gustatu zait beste bideo hau (ingelesez). Argazki osatu samarra erakusten du, aldekoak eta kontrakoak erakutsiz. Ondorioa: talde gaiztoa ez, baina bai arriskutsua... (Azken mezua honen inguruan, benetan! 😅)
Gehiago jakin nahi baduzue, ABC telebistako pieza honek errepaso galanta ematen dio (ingelesez) Shen Yun ikuskizunaren atzetik dagoen Falun Gong sektari.
Barkatu matraka, baina datozen egunotan Bilbora eta Donostiara datorren #ShenYun ikuskizunaren atzean ultra eskuineko sekta politiko-erlijioso erraldoi bat dago. Pasa abisua ingurukoei, kontuz nori ematen diogun dirua...
@CodeNameBeo @Woodchaz @baddadda
The same organization #FalunGong owns both. The #EpochTimes is their #propaganda arm and #ShenYun is the PR cash cow.
They use it to proclaim how awesome China was before #communism and make money. They intentionally keep it distanced from the organization.
#falungong #epochtimes #propaganda #shenyun #communism
They are everywhere - even in remote Idaho. #ShenYun #Starbucks #Performance #NotGoing
#shenyun #starbucks #performance #notgoing
It's my understanding that they want to keep the 3 things separate and they only use #ShenYun to highlight "China before communism" and to make money for the organization. They don't refer to #FalunGong at all.
We were discussing whether or not #FalunGong is a #cult or #religion?
Have you heard of it? What do you think?
What about the#EpochTimes #newspaper or #ShenYun dance performance?
Same group.
#falungong #cult #religion #newspaper #shenyun #chinese #philosophy #tao #falundafa #buddhism
We were discussing whether or not #FalunGong is a #cult or #religion?
Have you heard of it? What do you think?
What about the#EpochTimes #newspaper or #ShenYun dance performance?
Same group.
#falungong #cult #religion #newspaper #shenyun #chinese #philosophy #tao #falundafa #buddhism
Teknopataren Txokoa: Shen Yun: sektak finantzatzen artearen bidez
Urtarrila bukaeran Bilbon eta Donostian izango den Shen Yun dantza ikuskizunaren atzean sekta politiko eta erlijioso bat dago.
Someone has decided to send right wing propaganda to every house in the Zip Code where the Black Panthers was founded. Anyone else getting fascist newspapers delivered to their house without permission? #ShenYun #epochtimes #California#politics
#California #epochtimes #shenyun
Your regular reminder that #ShenYun is a performance troupe managed by an anti-communist, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-evolution religious movement (Falun Gong) that also runs the overtly pro-fascist, anti-vaxx, & Q-Anon supporting "news" paper, The Epoch Times.
@lolonurse @sethcotlar
As I always say these days, go w/your gut instinct… assuming you have a good microbiome😉
think they are even crazier than whatever you imagine them to be:)
important for people to know or at least be aware of the possibility of their insanity, because if you, even out of the corner of your eye🤔🤨we are all better off & safer
Honestly wish I could be ignorant of all this, but ignorance is not only not bliss, it’s dangerous #EpochTimes #ShenYun