Gizmodo: ND Stevenson Wants to Embrace the Messiness #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #entertainmentculture #stevensonfamily #adlaistevensoni #blueskystudios #eugeneleeyang #ndstevenson #lumberjanes #stevenson #disney #nimona #theses #shera
#sheraandtheprincessesofpower #entertainmentculture #stevensonfamily #adlaistevensoni #blueskystudios #eugeneleeyang #ndstevenson #lumberjanes #stevenson #disney #nimona #theses #shera
She-Ra beat them up!
#pixelart #SheraandthePrincessesofPower #sherafanart
#pixelart #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #sherafanart
Qué partidaza de #LasÁvidasEspadachinasSáficas tuvimos ayer
Drama del pasado, batallas con espada en una pasarela entre naves espaciales, antiguas enemigas peleando codo con codo, con corazones llenos de emoción y duda, la consciencia de la verdadera gravedad del Imperio fascista al que se enfrentan...
Y muchos px porque los dados estaban en su contra
Quelle soirée de #ThirstySwordLesbians on a eu hier.
Drama du passé, batailles à épée dans une pasarelle entre deux bateaux spaciaux, des anciens énémies combattant dos sur dos avec mes cœurs pleins d'émotion et doute, la conscience de la nature vraiment sévère de l'Empire fasciste contre lequel elles se battent...
Et énormement de px car les dés n'étaient pas de leur côté
#TTRPG #JuegoDeRol #JuegosDeRol #JeuxDeRôle #JdR #PbtA #Drama #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower
#lasavidasespadachinassaficas #thirstyswordlesbians #ttrpg #juegoderol #juegosderol #jeuxderole #jdr #pbta #drama #sheraandtheprincessesofpower
Hey there, let me get my #introduction out of the way <3
I’m Katra. Yes, that’s my chosen name. Yes, it comes from #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower.
I am a #Disabled #TransWoman, who is going to be started her transition soon.
I am a writer, though I haven’t written much lately and I am an amateur inkist and colorist. I freelance edit as well ($30/a story or essay)
Not really sure what much more to say here, except I do post and ask for advice on things a lot.
#introduction #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #disabled #transwoman
So hey there, let this stand as my re-#introduction. I was going by @adora (and I’ll delete that in a couple of days I want to give people enough to find me. I used to be known as Ace.
I’m into #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower obviously, #TheOwlHouse #Amphibia and #GravityFalls. I’m #Trans, started therapy for that.
I’m a furry and my fursona’s a tiger.
I'll have an avatar soon, i hope <3 so...uh...hi. again <3
#trans #gravityfalls #amphibia #theowlhouse #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #introduction
Girl who has only just finished watching season 4 of She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power.
#shera #sheraandtheprincessesofpower
Adora´s favorite activity
A quick sketch. I like to draw Catra from Shera with her long hair (I´m a sucker for long hair girls), but I thing this version suits better.
#sheraandtheprincessesofpower #catradora
Great stuff here about #Catra. #spop #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower #animation
#animation #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #spop #catra
Byla mi zjevena existence tohodle fitness oblečení, nutně potřebuju. Akorát by to chtělo někoho z US, kdo by mi to dovezl, už jsem alergická na českou celní správu :-) #SheraandthePrincessesofPower
I just think they’re neat #okko #okkoletsbeheroes #professorvenomous #fink #venfink #villainous #lordblackhat #demencia #lizardhat #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #entrapta #lordhordak #entrapdak #arcane #jinx #silco #jilco
#okko #okkoletsbeheroes #professorvenomous #fink #VenFink #villainous #LordBlackHat #demencia #LizardHat #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #entrapta #lordhordak #entrapdak #arcane #jinx #Silco #jilco
Hello! Moved in from another instance, looking for peeps to follow! Here's some of my interests:
#FullmetalAlchemist #SailorMoon #Ghibli #TerrorInResonance #HaibaneRenmei #EmmaAVictorianRomance #Pokemon #X1999 (2001)
#StevenUniverse #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower #LegendOfKorra
#GhostsCBS #GhostsBBC #FatherTed
#WatercolorPainting #Drawing #Writing #ListeningToMusic
#Fantasy #Romance #RealGhostStories #Manga
#folkcatholicism #eclecticwicca #mediahistory #20thcentury #victorian #history #manga #realghoststories #romance #fantasy #listeningtomusic #writing #drawing #watercolorpainting #FatherTed #ghostsbbc #GhostsCBS #legendofkorra #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #stevenuniverse #x1999 #pokemon #emmaavictorianromance #haibanerenmei #terrorinresonance #ghibli #sailormoon #fullmetalalchemist
My headcanon is that Catra does love to make Adora uncomfortable at all times.
(birthday present for a friend✨)
#SheraandthePrincessesofPower #catradora
#sheraandtheprincessesofpower #catradora
Hello! Moving from another instance, looking for peeps to follow! Here's some of my interests:
#FullmetalAlchemist #SailorMoon #Ghibli #TerrorInResonance #HaibaneRenmei #EmmaAVictorianRomance #Pokemon #X1999 (2001)
#StevenUniverse #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower #LegendOfKorra
#GhostsCBS #GhostsBBC #FatherTed
#WatercolorPainting #Drawing #Writing #ListeningToMusic
#Fantasy #Romance #RealGhostStories #Manga
#folkcatholicism #eclecticwicca #mediahistory #20thcentury #victorian #history #manga #realghoststories #romance #fantasy #listeningtomusic #writing #drawing #watercolorpainting #FatherTed #ghostsbbc #GhostsCBS #legendofkorra #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #stevenuniverse #x1999 #pokemon #emmaavictorianromance #haibanerenmei #terrorinresonance #ghibli #sailormoon #fullmetalalchemist
If you haven't yet watched #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower I fully and warmly recommend it! It has everything, compelling characters on both sides, good stories, good representation, everything. My only complaint, if I have to have one, is that it's a little bit predictable, but that's par for the course for a show targeted at kids 7 and up.
Hello! Just looking for new peeps to follow! Here's some of my interests:
#FullmetalAlchemist #SailorMoon #Ghibli #TerrorInResonance #HaibaneRenmei #EmmaAVictorianRomance #Pokemon #X1999 (2001)
#StevenUniverse #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower #LegendOfKorra #GhostsCBS
#Hobbies - #Watercolor #Drawing #Writing #ListeningToMusic
#Fantasy #Romance #RealGhostStories #Manga
#History - #Victorian #20thCentury #MediaHistory
#Spirituality - #EclecticWicca #FolkCatholicism #PopCulturePaganism
#fullmetalalchemist #sailormoon #ghibli #terrorinresonance #haibanerenmei #emmaavictorianromance #pokemon #x1999 #stevenuniverse #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #legendofkorra #GhostsCBS #hobbies #watercolor #drawing #writing #listeningtomusic #fantasy #romance #realghoststories #manga #history #victorian #20thcentury #mediahistory #spirituality #eclecticwicca #folkcatholicism #popculturepaganism
This one goes out to all the #Nurses and #Posties in the UK, striking for fairer wages and working conditions.
#PostalStrike #NursesStrike
#UKPolitics #MusicClub #Music #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower
#sheraandtheprincessesofpower #Music #musicclub #ukpolitics #nursesstrike #postalstrike #warriors #aaliyahrose #posties #nurses #MusicBreak
Hello! Just looking for new peeps to follow! Here's some of my interests:
#Anime - #FullmetalAlchemist #SailorMoon #Ghibli #TerrorInResonance #HaibaneRenmei #EmmaAVictorianRomance #Pokemon #X1999 (2001 Series)
#Animation - #StevenUniverse #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower #LegendOfKorra
#Hobbies - #Watercolor #Drawing #Writing #ListeningToMusic
#Fantasy #Romance #RealGhostStories #Manga
#anime #fullmetalalchemist #sailormoon #ghibli #terrorinresonance #haibanerenmei #emmaavictorianromance #pokemon #x1999 #animation #stevenuniverse #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #legendofkorra #hobbies #watercolor #drawing #writing #listeningtomusic #fantasy #romance #realghoststories #manga #history #victorian #20thcentury #mediahistory #spirituality #eclecticwicca #folkcatholicism
#shera #adora #futa #catra #cartoon #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #netflix #pigeondemon #rule34
#shera #adora #futa #catra #cartoon #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #netflix #pigeondemon #rule34