Warum die rassistischen Patrouillen von selbsternannten “#Sheriffs”, bei denen Jagd auf Migrant*innen gemacht wird, auf breite Unterstützung der aktuellen, griechischen Regierung stoßen, erfahrt ihr im Text. 👉 https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1175893.html
A #rightwing #sheriffs group that challenges federal law is gaining acceptance around the country
#cops #police #reichwing #constitutional?
#rightwing #sheriffs #cops #police #reichwing #constitutional
"“They have no authority, not under their state constitutions or implementing statutes to decide what’s constitutional and what’s not constitutional. That’s what #courts have the authority to do, not #sheriffs,” McCord said". https://apnews.com/article/constitutional-sheriffs-5568cd0b6b27680a28de8a098ed14210
A right-wing sheriffs group that challenges federal law is gaining acceptance around the country - This kind of rejectionist, separatist BS needs to be nipped in the bud. Any sheriff who is a member of this group needs to be removed from office. #SheriffNews #LawEnforcement #legal #cops #CopsAreTerrorists #Sheriffs https://apnews.com/article/5568cd0b6b27680a28de8a098ed14210
#sheriffnews #lawenforcement #legal #cops #copsareterrorists #sheriffs
"Sheriff’s Department Lets Armed Boogaloos Waltz Onto School Grounds" - Surprised? I didn’t think so. #Sheriffs are, in many cases, authoritarian right wing fascists. #LawEnforcement #SheriffNews #authority https://www.thedailybeast.com/sheriffs-dept-lets-armed-boogaloos-bois-waltz-onto-school-grounds-in-gloucester-virginia?via=ios
#sheriffs #lawenforcement #sheriffnews #authority
"Sheriff Pleads Guilty to Groping TV Judge at Conference" - Is it just me, or are county sheriff’s the worst? I know in my county they are, and I keep reading about right-wing, conservative sheriffs ignoring the federal government and establishing authoritative duchies impervious to the actual law. #LawEnforcement #SheriffNews #Sheriffs https://www.thedailybeast.com/georgia-sheriff-kristopher-coody-pleads-guilty-to-groping-tv-judge?via=ios
#lawenforcement #sheriffnews #sheriffs
.@KnockDotLA analyzed decades of data from the LA #Sheriffs Department and found that according to their own records, 1 out of every 3 #shootings was at an #unarmed person. https://knock-la.com/life-under-the-gun/
#NorthCarolina #GOP Is Cracking Down on the #Black #Sheriffs Who Stood Up to #ICE
#northcarolina #gop #black #sheriffs #ice
Tensions High on Bail and Policing as New Yorkers Elect #DAs and #Sheriffs
Our guide to the flashpoints that will define the #2023 #elections, from two #NYC boroughs to #Troy and #Binghamton, and to the muted contrasts elsewhere in the state.
#DAS #sheriffs #elections #nyc #troy #binghamton
Everyone knows that the US strategy for dealing with #COVID19 was... messy. In this new short article, @efarris & I point to right-wing extremism among county #sheriffs as a specific obstacle to a healthy, functioning federal system.
Tldr; right-wing extremism among sheriffs is associated w their refusal to enforce mask mandates. It is a danger to democracy.
#openaccess and out now! https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ssqu.13244
#COVID19 #sheriffs #openaccess
NOGALES, Arizona (AP) - Un allevatore che vive vicino al confine dell'Arizona con il Messico è detenuto con l'accusa di omicidio di primo grado nella sparatoria mortale della scorsa settimana di un uomo provvisoriamente identificato come cittadino messicano. La sua cauzione è stata fissata a $ 1 mil...
#07Febbraio #sheriffs #shooting
#shooting #sheriffs #07febbraio
Civil Rights Lawyer, David Henderson:
“50 TX sheriffs attended trainings rooted in the false notion that they can single-handedly overrule state and federal law.
The real shocker is that the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement gave them continuing education credit for attending.” https://www.texastribune.org/2023/01/13/constitutional-sheriffs-texas/
#Radicalization #Extremism #UltraMAGA #PoliceViolence #PoliceBrutality #IWhiteSupremacy #StructuralRacism #Texas #Sheriffs #LawEnforcement
#lawenforcement #sheriffs #Texas #StructuralRacism #iwhitesupremacy #policebrutality #policeviolence #UltraMAGA #extremism #radicalization
Listen to "Ep. 1605: The New Sheriffs in Town, The FBI & Personal Liberty" by Loki Luck III Podcast https://anchor.fm/loki-luck-3/episodes/Ep--1605-The-New-Sheriffs-in-Town--The-FBI--Liberty-e1ts4vp #Sheriffs, #Spying, #PoliticalCorruption, #Nullification2023, #DemoniacResistance
#DemoniacResistance #Nullification2023 #politicalcorruption #spying #sheriffs
#Sheriffs in 80 #Illinois Counties Say They Will Not Enforce ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2023/01/15/sheriffs-80-illinois-counties-wont-enforce-assault-weapons-ban/
#Sheriffs pick and choose what laws they’ll follow, while jailing others who do the same. It’s called #Hypocrisy, and it’s the only thing the far-right does well.
#Sheriffs pick and choose what laws to follow, while imprisoning others who do the same. It’s called #Hypocrisy, and it’s the only thing the far-right does well.
"Out of $525,083 the institute raised in 2021, it paid $180,480 in fees to its hired fundraiser. The institute reported to the IRS the fundraiser is a company named Paramount Strategies.
However, Paramount Strategies is not a fundraising company; it is a #lobbying firm that represents the Iowa State #Sheriffs and Deputies Association and other clients at the Iowa Capitol" https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2023/01/09/iowans-give-millions-to-sheriffs-group-that-spends-only-34-on-charity/?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_5908689_nl_Philanthropy-Today_date_20230111&cid=pt&source=&sourceid=
Sad news from Riverside County today. A deputy was shot and killed in the line of duty. #RiversideCounty #sheriffs #deputy #LawEnforcement #EOW https://www.pressenterprise.com/2022/12/29/riverside-county-sheriffs-deputy-shot-to-death
#riversidecounty #sheriffs #deputy #lawenforcement #eow
I have lived in, and spent lots of time in #Uvalde and the surrounding area. My family has been down there since the late 1800's. When I say law enforcement down there is incompetent, trust me. But for me the bigger thing is #Sheriffs Departments being needless #relics from the past. The idea that you can #elect any #incompetent #slug and they suddenly become a government authority is a fatal flaw and an #unneeded appendage.
#uvalde #sheriffs #relics #elect #incompetent #slug #unneeded
A growing number of county sheriffs believe they hold ultimate power in their jurisdictions. Some have even stopped enforcing state and federal laws they deem unconstitutional. The Marshall Project’s Maurice Chammah explains.
This episode was produced by Hady Mawajdeh, edited by Matt Collette, fact-checked by Laura Bullard, engineered by Paul Robert Mounsey, and hosted by Noel King.
#TodayExplained #podcast #LawEnforcement #police #PoliceReform #sheriffs #vox #acab
#acab #vox #sheriffs #Policereform #police #lawenforcement #podcast #todayexplained