"#ThePinkPanther Theme" is a #jazz composition by #HenryMancini written as the theme for the 1963 film The Pink Panther and subsequently nominated for the #AcademyAwardForBestOriginalScore at the #37thAcademyAwards but lost to the #ShermanBrothers for #MaryPoppins. The #eponymousCartoonCharacter created for the film's opening credits by #DavidDePatie and #FrizFreleng was animated in time to the tune. The tenor saxophone solo was played by #PlasJohnson.
#thepinkpanther #jazz #henrymancini #academyawardforbestoriginalscore #37thacademyawards #shermanbrothers #marypoppins #eponymouscartooncharacter #daviddepatie #frizfreleng #plasjohnson
Song of the Day January 21 2023
In honor of the birth of Leslie Sebastian Charles aka Billy Ocean
Billy Ocean - “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car”
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2023 #LeslieSebastianCharles #BillyOcean #GetOuttaMyDreamsGetIntoMyCar #MusicVideo #RichardM.Sherman #RobertB.Sherman #ShermanBrothers #You'reSixteen
#songoftheday #sotd #sotd2023 #lesliesebastiancharles #billyocean #getouttamydreamsgetintomycar #musicvideo #richardm #robertb #shermanbrothers #you