Happy anniversary to Joy Division’s debut album, ‘Unknown Pleasures’. Released this week in 1979. #joydivision #unknownpleasures #petersaville #transmission #sheslostcontrol
#joydivision #unknownpleasures #petersaville #transmission #sheslostcontrol
Joy Division - She's Lost Control
Live at "Something else Show" on BBC 4 in 1979. This tune was released on their debut album "Unknown Pleasures", also in 1979. What an intense performance.
#joydivision #iancurtis #live #somethingelse #sheslostcontrol #unknownpleasures
#joydivision #IanCurtis #live #somethingelse #sheslostcontrol #unknownpleasures
#Nowplaying: #GirlsagainstBoys - #ShesLostControl
In this life, I'm certainly not going to be a fan of #JoyDivision. However, exceptions very often prove the rule, #GirlsagainstBoys' cover version gets me after all - for this version of the song!
Some cover songs are greater than the originals. Yes, I‘m a heretic.
#nowplaying #girlsagainstboys #sheslostcontrol #joydivision #goth #gothrock #noise23 #hardcore #posthardcore
They Keep Calling Me est un bootleg de Joy Division sorti en décembre 2002. Il existe en vinyle rouge, bleu et jaune marbré. 100 copies de chaque.
Ce bootleg contient l'enregistrement du concert à l'University of London Union du 8 février 1980.
#joydivisionofficial #joydivisionfans #joydivision #iancurtis #lovewilltearusapart #warsaw #postpunk #neworder #manchester #sheslostcontrol #joydivisionforever #peterhook #bernardsumner #stephenmorris #factoryrecords #joydevotion #unknownpleasures
#joydivisionofficial #joydivisionfans #joydivision #iancurtis #lovewilltearusapart #warsaw #postpunk #neworder #manchester #sheslostcontrol #joydivisionforever #peterhook #bernardsumner #stephenmorris #factoryrecords #joydevotion #unknownpleasures
En décembre 2008, sort le bootleg CD The Marble Index de Joy Division. Il contient divers morceaux live et studio (John Peel Session, album avorté chez RCA, session Genetic, Sordide Sentimental, Piccadilly Radio...)
#joydivisionofficial #joydivisionfans #joydivision #iancurtis #lovewilltearusapart #warsaw #postpunk #neworder #manchester #sheslostcontrol #joydivisionforever #peterhook #bernardsumner #stephenmorris #factoryrecords #joydevotion #unknownpleasures #closer #manchestermusic ##newwave
#joydivisionofficial #joydivisionfans #joydivision #iancurtis #lovewilltearusapart #warsaw #postpunk #neworder #manchester #sheslostcontrol #joydivisionforever #peterhook #bernardsumner #stephenmorris #factoryrecords #joydevotion #unknownpleasures #closer #manchestermusic #newwave
@AbNormal @cinnacubb I am a salfordian New order joy division stone roses happy mondays are all in my DNA #sheslostcontrol