#Shhh... #DontTellAnyone; but...
I hate to be #TheOne to #BreakIT; we've #JustInvented the #SquareRoot...
#IT was #LikeIT when I #FoundIT... #Honest...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🚁🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🚁
#shhh #donttellanyone #theone #breakit #justinvented #squareroot #it #likeit #foundit #honest
#Shhh... #DontTellAnyone; but...
I hate to be #TheOne to #BreakIT; we've #JustInvented the #SquareRoot...
#IT was #LikeIT when I #FoundIT... #Honest...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🚁🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🚁
#shhh #donttellanyone #theone #breakit #justinvented #squareroot #it #likeit #foundit #honest
#This is #True... #TrueTrueTuesday... #IT's #NotACoincidence
#Shhh... #DontTellAnyone...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🚁🚀⛑️🦄⛑️🚀🚁
#this #true #truetruetuesday #shhh #donttellanyone #topsecret #it #notacoincidence
@DurableAce @benfinch @JulieHarden @spk @chr_martens @Spokeswoman @jbenjamint
Congrats, Christophe!
It's always more fun to be in a league. Coming 5th sounds much cooler. No-one needs to know there were only 8 of us. #Shhh
I love the fact, that all their videos are connected.
And the credits? Yep, it's the performance version.
#kissoflife #shhh #kpop #키스오브라이프 #쉿
#KISSOFLIFE #ByeMyNeverland
And the story continues...
It starts with the respective endings of the first four videos and even though it was a shocking moment at the end (poor Natty), they have a lore. I like groups with Lore :)
#Shhh is coming next week!
Debut: 2023.07.05
#kissoflife #byemyneverland #shhh #kpop #키스오브라이프 #안녕_네버랜드 #kiof
🎶Napity Nap!
Don’t dare yack!🎶 🎙️😴
#shhh #TakingANap #TakeItEasy #wellness #YackityYack #oldies #50s #music #parody
#parody #music #50s #oldies #yackityyack #wellness #takeiteasy #takinganap #shhh
We all know the feeling of regret when we’ve said too much. Following the late-antique scholar Boethius, we should remind ourselves (#shhh): Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses. / “Had you kept silent, you would have remained a philosopher”. Thus Boethius allegedly mocks a pseudo-intellectual who tries very hard to prove himself otherwise. Speaking is a slippery business. We hope that you can persuade all the Boethii in your life! #rhetoric #RhetoricOfSilence #TeamRhetoric
#ishrhetsilenceseries #shhh #rhetoric #rhetoricofsilence #teamrhetoric
What comes to mind when you see this statue? Maybe is it telling you to be quiet (#shhh)? Well, that's what the Greeks and Romans thought—they misinterpreted the raised finger near the lips as a gesture of #silence. The Graeco-Roman god of silence and secrecy Harpocrates was born. But originally that gesture simply meant “child”: a representation of the Egyptian child god Horus, the newborn sun. #Silence is often more than #silence.
#RhetoricOfSilence #TeamRhetoric
#ishrhetsilenceseries #shhh #silence #rhetoricofsilence #teamrhetoric
“I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct. Instead I will only call her a lightweight reporter!” #RhetoricOfSilence #shhh #politics #rhetoric #silence #TeamRhetoric #rhetodons #RhetoricalFigures
#rhetoricofsilence #shhh #politics #rhetoric #silence #teamrhetoric #rhetodons #rhetoricalfigures
Donald Trump in 2016 about the US journalist Megyn Kelly: “I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct. Instead I will only call her a lightweight reporter!” #RhetoricOfSilence #shhh #politics #rhetoric #silence #TeamRhetoric #rhetodons #RhetoricalFigures
#rhetoricofsilence #shhh #politics #rhetoric #silence #teamrhetoric #rhetodons #rhetoricalfigures
See: Jung, Theo: Le silence du peuple. The Rhetoric of Silence during the French Revolution. In: French History 31 (2017), p. 440–469.
Picture: Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Count of Mirabeau, (probably) used the phrase in the Assemblée Nationale in 1789
#rhetoricofsilence #shhh
Would have graduated from PT today if I hadn't injured myself again... at PT.
#VeryGraceful #Klutz #ProneToInjury #PainInTheNeck #BackPain #CantCatchABreak #IShoulntSayBreakTooLoudly #Shhh #TooManyHashtags #ThePowersThatBeAreListening #OkayThisIsGettingOutOfHand #EnoughWithTheHashtags #RunningTheJokeIntoTheGround #ButSometimesThatsFunnyOnItsOwn #ButNotThisTime #HowDoIEndThis #IStillHaveCharactersLeft #OhForTheLoveOf #StopItJess #No #TalkingToMyself #LikeGollum #MyPrecious #500CharactersYet #Yes
#verygraceful #klutz #pronetoinjury #painintheneck #backpain #cantcatchabreak #ishoulntsaybreaktooloudly #shhh #toomanyhashtags #thepowersthatbearelistening #okaythisisgettingoutofhand #enoughwiththehashtags #runningthejokeintotheground #butsometimesthatsfunnyonitsown #butnotthistime #howdoiendthis #istillhavecharactersleft #ohfortheloveof #stopitjess #no #talkingtomyself #likegollum #myprecious #500charactersyet #yes
#WritingWonders Day 24: If your book was a fable, what would the moral be?
"Too Much Heaven" is something of a fable, so I'm going to keep this one to myself. I want folks to find it for themselves. And I'll be curious to see if they find more than one!
#secretsofafabulist #shhh #writingwonders
#SHHH.... Here are some of Bill Gates' secret holdings that you can read... #LOL...If you promise not to tell anyone....
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingNewToyJoyNotNews...
There will be #NewToyJoy in #TheNearFuture; but...
#IT's... #TopSecret... #Shhh #DontTellAnyone...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🍜🦹🩲🦄🩲🦹🍜
#notnews24 #unbreaklingnewtoyjoynotnews #newtoyjoy #thenearfuture #it #topsecret #shhh #donttellanyone