$25(reg $40) Neck & Shoulder #Shiatsu #Massager w/Heat
Save 40% promo code: 5WLHSG2G
See if the promo code still works otherwise there's a 10% off checkbox on the web page plus it's been discounted to 32 which would bring it down to around $27 - $28 otherwise.
#shiatsu #massager #delete #deal
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the 3 of Swords from the Murder of Crows #Tarot. Not necessarily what one wants to see at 6 in the morning…
I’m struck by the stillness of this card. This poor crow. There’s some aspects this week I believe with #Chiron, so maybe that’s why this is coming up. At any rate, I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on my life. One tends to do that as one gets older. Today I’m feeling a lot of emotions wrapped up in this reflection. The advice of this card is to release, to let it go. It’s hard to do sometimes though, isn’t it? It’s not something we can just make happen. So we ground through our senses, to bring us out of our heads and into our bodies. The smell and taste of a piece of fruit, the feel of a cool breeze, the weight of a stone in your hands…..Ground and be present. I have my #Shiatsu this afternoon, so that should help.
#tarotcardoftheday #Tarot #chiron #shiatsu
As you may have guessed, I love learning.
At university I've studied #ethnomusicology (BA, MMus); a very broad field blending #musicology, #organology, #anthropology, #sociology, #WorldHistory, studies of #performance, #religion, #folklore, #gender, etc.
Prior to that, I've taken vocational courses in IT (mostly obsolete stuff by now), sports #massage, #Shiatsu and #nutrition; that also included #anatomy, #physiology, #pathology, #history of #MedicalScience and traditional Chinese medicine. 2/3
#ethnomusicology #musicology #organology #anthropology #sociology #worldhistory #performance #religion #folklore #gender #massage #shiatsu #nutrition #anatomy #physiology #pathology #history #medicalscience
5 Elementi
#YiJing #IChing #IKing #YiKing #ZhouYi
#NumerologiaOrientale #Astrologia del #FengShui #Numerologia delle #StelleVolanti dei #9Palazzi #Ki9Stelle
#5Elementi #5Movimenti #5Traformazioni
#BaGua #PaQua #LuoShu #LoShu #Trigrammi #8Trigrammi
#Tao #Dao #Taoismo #Daoismo #QiGong #ChiKung #Cosmologia
#Shiatsu #MTC #MedicinaTradizionaleCinese #MedicinaCinese #Macrobiotica #FilosofiaOrientale #PensieroOrientale #SaggezzaOrientale
#yijing #iching #IKing #YiKing #ZhouYi #numerologiaorientale #astrologia #fengshui #numerologia #stellevolanti #9palazzi #ki9stelle #5elementi #5movimenti #5traformazioni #Bagua #paqua #luoshu #loshu #trigrammi #8trigrammi #tao #dao #taoismo #daoismo #qigong #chikung #cosmologia #shiatsu #mtc #medicinatradizionalecinese #medicinacinese #macrobiotica #filosofiaorientale #pensieroorientale #saggezzaorientale
Trattamenti Shiatsu a Torino: come, dove, quando e perchè
#Trattamenti e #Corsi di #Shiatsu a #Torino #corsidiShiatsu #lezionidiShiatsu #AutoShiatsu #AutoTrattamento #TrattamentoShiatsu #TrattamentiShiatsu #MTC #Masunaga #ZenShiatsu
#Trattamenti #corsi #shiatsu #torino #corsidiShiatsu #lezionidiShiatsu #AutoShiatsu #AutoTrattamento #TrattamentoShiatsu #TrattamentiShiatsu #mtc #Masunaga #ZenShiatsu
Amélie Bertin, praticienne en shiatsu
#Interview vidéo
Le #shiatsu est une technique japonaise qui consiste à exercer une pression avec les paumes et les doigts sur le corps, le long des méridiens d’énergie
#Quimper #Bretagne
#bretagne #quimper #shiatsu #interview
⚕️ “Jean-Paul #Krivine : "Les #médecines #alternatives sont une véritable cour des miracles"” (L'Express, 1/5/2021)
#naturopathie #magnétisme #reiki #hypnose #méditation #homéopathie #anthroposophie #auriculothérapie #ostéopathie #réflexologie #shiatsu #yoga #phytothérapie #ayurvédique
#ayurvédique #phytothérapie #yoga #shiatsu #réflexologie #ostéopathie #auriculothérapie #anthroposophie #homéopathie #méditation #hypnose #reiki #magnétisme #naturopathie #alternatives #médecines #Krivine
#vidéo ITW Mireille Fer, praticienne de Shiatsu, interviewée à la foire bio & alternative de Riec sur Belon 2018
#Shiatsu #finistère #bretagne
#vidéo #shiatsu #finistère #bretagne
Au #Nicaragua, des aveugles apprennent l'art du #massage japonais
Y a comme ça des nouvelles qui font plaisir à lire 😍
#nicaragua #massage #shiatsu #bonnenouvelle #blind