🗣️ 📣 Angehörige der #HAWHamburg können jetzt via #Shibboleth von außerhalb auf lizenzierte Bibliotheksangebote wie #ebooks, #Datenbanken und #eJournals zugreifen. ℹ️ 🔎 Nähere Informationen🔍 ℹ️ zu den Verlagen sowie Anmeldeverfahren finden Sie unter https://www.haw-hamburg.de/hibs/services/virtueller-helpdesk/faqs-shibboleth/! Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auch in unserer News: https://www.haw-hamburg.de/detail/news/news/show/fuer-alle-haw-angehoerige-nutzung-der-e-medien-mit-shibboleth-wieder-moeglich/
#hawhamburg #shibboleth #ebooks #datenbanken #eJournals
#SAML is nice in theory, but in practice it's pretty painful to work around the various different implementations. Currently we're troubleshooting a #Shibboleth IDP metadata file that #Webex was perfectly happy with, but which #Cisco #CUCM and #CUC don't seem to like.
#SAML #shibboleth #webex #Cisco #cucm #CUC
#TFW you use "#shibboleth" with 100% accuracy but people don't have a damn clue what you're saying
Starting my day digging through a pcap file in Wireshark. Newly upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 shibboleth severs can’t reach LDAP anymore. Yippee.
#tcpdump #wireshark #shibboleth #ldap #bangheadhere
Have you noticed how the redcap #shibboleth "#freedom" so often becomes a string of Thou Shalt Not ... perhaps something to do with their supposed favourite reading material.
Aaany way, here they are being bitten on the ass by their own bad attitudes.
Looks like in 2012 they dressed up an attack on #social #healthcare under the flag of preserving #personalFreedom and only now discover that #abortionRights might be a freedom too. 👏
#shibboleth #freedom #social #healthcare #personalfreedom #abortionrights
Are you (planning on) integrating with #SAML in your #Clojure web service?
I made this library that turns a Pedestal web service into a SAML Service Provider: https://github.com/kuhumcst/pedestal-sp
It is actually pretty nice. The best part is that you don't have to use #Shibboleth at all.
Following product hashatgs, I was pleasantly surprised to see people posting about #Shibboleth for LDAP. I thought I'd seen it all (mainframes, vms/vax, tru64, solaris, lotus domino, websphere) and then I was introduced to Shibb for my authentication needs.
Das macht auch mal Spaß:
Ich habe gerade eine große Amerikanische Universität darauf hingewiesen, dass auf deren #Shibboleth IdP eine ausnutzbare open redirect #vulnerability existiert.
Starting to set up #keycloak , but now it appears it does not support syncing LDAP groups...
Now I need to think whether I should start looking at #Shibboleth or just live with it.
Had an email about #Shibboleth this week, that's a right blast from a past.
I declined the offer to work on it. Heap problems are not fun problems.
Are you engaged in "this dumb game we woke Westerners play where we say all the right shibboleths and everyone likes us”?
How would you know? 🤨
https://futurism.com/the-byte/sam-bankman-fried-ethics-stuff-front #woke #ethics #principles #values #shibboleth
#woke #ethics #principles #values #shibboleth
Perfect timing, watching some more Season 2 of #thewestwing and #Shibboleth comes on. Love this episode so so much.
That whole bit with Charlie and the carving knife just gets me.
Another #newbie note for folks. I definitely see most folks immediately getting the utility of a #hashtag to allow a post to be found across instances, but remember, it can be something nonsensical you create in order for friends from other sites to find each other. For example, you let your friends know to create a post with the hashtag #ognork and now suddenly you have a way to easily find each other's content cross-instance. One part content-sharing, one part #shibboleth.
#hashtag #newbie #shibboleth #ognork
RT @zuribia@twitter.com
"Condena" es un #shibboleth que no tiene nada que ver con el claro rechazo de una conducta concreta, sino con un trágala respecto de un relato acerca del pasado que se basa en la pura hipocresía política: "Mi violencia siempre es justa, la tuya ha sido siempre injusta e inmoral".
@VictorVenema @krugar @chpietsch Wenn die Zielgruppe Akademiker sind und es wirklich nur um die Authentifizierung geht, würde ich #OAUTH via #ORCID wählen. #EduGain ist eine Interföderation nationaler #Shibboleth Föderationen. Dafür müsstest Du also #Shibboleth implementieren und beim #DFN in die AAI-Föderation eintreten - nicht unaufwendig. Bei der #eduID fängt gerade erst die Diskussion an - wenn die überhaupt in DE kommt, dann erst in ein paar Jahren.
#eduid #dfn #shibboleth #edugain #orcid #oauth
@chpietsch @krugar Eine solche ID ist auf #SAML bzw. #Shibboleth ausgerichtet, und dort wird Datenschutz bekanntlich groß geschrieben. Das zeigt auch die Schweizer Implementierung. Die ID ist zudem pseudonym, wobei ich im Gegensatz zur #ORCID keine Möglichkeit habe, sie aufzulösen und einer Person direkt zuzuordnen.
#Shibboleth einmal bildlich erklärt #AAI (Quelle: https://talkthetalkpodcast.com/204-shibboleths/)
Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment installer et configurer #shibboleth :tw c'est pour un bon amis !