Almost didn’t go to the thrift store. I’m there a lot as it is. Happy I did.
Found a really amazing #shibori scarf. Whoever donated this likely didn’t know anything about it. The original owner might have purchased it on a trip to #Japan.
3 meters by 70cm, pattern section 40 cm wide. #Silk crepe, and probably #indigo dyed.
Cyanotype in textile work: using it to create some custom-dyed thread.
A bit like shibori, a bit tie-dye, but more adaptable.
I used a heavy thread that was going to be used for sashiko.
It was soaked in the chemicals, dried, and randomly wrapped around a cardboard tube before exposing.
The result is a lovely mottled thread.
I also made a deep indigo by fully exposing the same thread.
#cyanotype #blueprint #sashiko #TextileArt #shibori #thread #indigo #CustomDye #mottled #textiles
#cyanotype #blueprint #sashiko #textileart #shibori #thread #indigo #customdye #mottled #textiles
Komme gerade aus dem Keller. Das zweite #Shibori - Übestück ist durchgefärbt - und was soll ich sagen?
Das #Kimonoprojekt wird noch etwas warten dürfen.
Das war wieder nix 😒
Zur Erklärung: Ich brauche im blau gefärbten Stoff eine kreisrunde Aussparung, die die Sonne symbolisieren soll. Davor fliegt dann ein gestickter Kranich.
Darunter einige Punktmuster, die an Wasserwellen erinnern sollen. Darin ein weiterer gestickter Kranich.
Ok. Ich stelle fest: Ist noch ein weiter Weg.😏
Ich bin ja eher so der Pogo-Näher 😬
Aber nun soll es etwas seriöser werden: Ein Kimono.
Also kein richtiger. Nur bis über den Hintern.
Aber das ist nicht der Punkt. Ich möchte den Stoff dafür selbst färben.
Hat jemand schon einmal Erfahrung mit #Shibori Färbetechniken gesammelt?
Wäre für jeden Tipp dankbar, der vermeidet den bestellten Stoff zu versauen 🙄
Tie dye is art.
#TieDye #TieDyeFashion #TieDyeForEveryone #TieDyeIsArt #Art #LocalArtist #JoyfulCreations #Handmade #WearableArt #SacredGeometry #Music #Art #Colorful #GoateeCreations #Tshirt #Tapestry #Shibori #FestivalArt #IceDye #SmallBusiness #Etsy #EtsySeller
#tiedye #TieDyeFashion #TieDyeForEveryone #TieDyeIsArt #art #localartist #JoyfulCreations #handmade #wearableart #sacredgeometry #music #colorful #GoateeCreations #tshirt #tapestry #shibori #FestivalArt #icedye #smallbusiness #etsy #etsyseller
More from the #TieDyeLaboratory
#TieDye #TieDyeFashion #TieDyeForEveryone #TieDyeIsArt #Art #LocalArtist #JoyfulCreations #Handmade #WearableArt #SacredGeometry #Music #Art #Colorful #GoateeCreations #Tshirt #Tapestry #Shibori #FestivalArt #IceDye #SmallBusiness #Etsy #EtsySeller
#tiedyelaboratory #tiedye #TieDyeFashion #TieDyeForEveryone #TieDyeIsArt #art #localartist #JoyfulCreations #handmade #wearableart #sacredgeometry #music #colorful #GoateeCreations #tshirt #tapestry #shibori #FestivalArt #icedye #smallbusiness #etsy #etsyseller
Today's tie dye results.
#TieDye #TieDyeFashion #TieDyeForEveryone #TieDyeIsArt #Art #LocalArtist #JoyfulCreations #Handmade #WearableArt #SacredGeometry #Music #Art #Colorful #GoateeCreations #Tshirt #Tapestry #Shibori #FestivalArt #IceDye #SmallBusiness #Etsy #EtsySeller
#tiedye #TieDyeFashion #TieDyeForEveryone #TieDyeIsArt #art #localartist #JoyfulCreations #handmade #wearableart #sacredgeometry #music #colorful #GoateeCreations #tshirt #tapestry #shibori #FestivalArt #icedye #smallbusiness #etsy #etsyseller
More recent tie dye projects.
#TieDye #TieDyeFashion #TieDyeForEveryone #TieDyeIsArt #Art #LocalArtist #JoyfulCreations #Handmade #WearableArt #SacredGeometry #Music #Art #Colorful #GoateeCreations #Tshirt #Tapestry #Shibori #FestivalArt #IceDye #SmallBusiness #Etsy #EtsySeller
#tiedye #TieDyeFashion #TieDyeForEveryone #TieDyeIsArt #art #localartist #JoyfulCreations #handmade #wearableart #sacredgeometry #music #colorful #GoateeCreations #tshirt #tapestry #shibori #FestivalArt #icedye #smallbusiness #etsy #etsyseller
I used a short sleeve xl Gilden shirt
I used #herbaceous, #Timberwolf , #TERRACOTTA, #Chinesered
Spiral with Multiple geode with multiple focal points using Sinew. In the muck. Ice on top. overnight dip in soda ash
#Patrickneeds #tiedye #inthemuck #reversetuedye #shibori #geode #Iguessimahipppynow #sacto #betterthannothing #visitsacramento #pmaallday #liveauthentic #livebroke #cityoftrees #rainbow #oakpark #916
#oakpark #rainbow #cityoftrees #livebroke #liveauthentic #pmaallday #visitsacramento #betterthannothing #sacto #Iguessimahipppynow #geode #shibori #reversetuedye #inthemuck #tiedye #Patrickneeds #Chinesered #terracotta #Timberwolf #herbaceous
I used a short sleeve Gilden shirt
I used #Electricblue, #Timberwolf , #magentaGalactica, #hothibiscus
Multiple geode technique with multiple focal points using Sinew. Above the muck. Ice on top. Soda ash on top - overnight dip
#Patrickneeds #tiedye #inthemuck#reversetuedye #shibori #geode #Iguessimahipppynow #sacto #916 #betterthannothing #visitsacramento #pmaallday #liveauthentic #livebroke #cityoftrees #rainbow #debtfreecommunity #oakpark
#oakpark #debtfreecommunity #rainbow #cityoftrees #livebroke #liveauthentic #pmaallday #visitsacramento #betterthannothing #sacto #Iguessimahipppynow #geode #shibori #inthemuck #tiedye #Patrickneeds #hothibiscus #magentaGalactica #Timberwolf #Electricblue
Well, that sold quick. Stoked. Gearing up for the holidays! #Patrickneeds #tiedye #inthemuck#reversetuedye #shibori #geode #Iguessimahipppynow #sacto #916 #betterthannothing #visitsacramento #pmaallday #liveauthentic #livebroke #cityoftrees #rainbow #debtfreecommunity #oakpark
#oakpark #debtfreecommunity #rainbow #cityoftrees #livebroke #liveauthentic #pmaallday #visitsacramento #betterthannothing #sacto #Iguessimahipppynow #geode #shibori #inthemuck #tiedye #Patrickneeds