A history lesson - the first one is for free:
#Taiwan has never been a part of the People's Republic of #China.
The Chinese empire conceded Taiwan to Japan in the treaty of #Shimonoseki, back in 1895.
The nightmare known as the People's Republic of China only was founded or rarther installled in 1949.
So no: Taiwan has never been a part of this repressive dictatorship, and less than 10 % of the Taiwanese want to become a part of this dystopian nightmare.
#taiwan #china #shimonoseki #taiwanisnotchina
【本州の果て】関門海峡を観光① Kanmon strait, farthest of Honshu, Japan part 1 https://www.alojapan.com/804316/%e3%80%90%e6%9c%ac%e5%b7%9e%e3%81%ae%e6%9e%9c%e3%81%a6%e3%80%91%e9%96%a2%e9%96%80%e6%b5%b7%e5%b3%a1%e3%82%92%e8%a6%b3%e5%85%89%e2%91%a0-kanmon-strait-farthest-of-honshu-japan-part-1/
毎度お馴染み流転のチャンネル旅の道草才谷です。 本州の果て、関門海峡の観光。今回は下関部分の探訪記です。 【西日本グルメ旅】 【呉観光】 【竹原】 【尾道】 【大和ミュージアム】 【てつのくじら館】 【日本一美しいシーサイドライン呉線】 #旅の道草 #旅行 #観光 #下関 #安倍晋三 #関門海峡 #山口 #長州 #japan #travel #trip
#Japan #Kitakyushu #Kitakyushudestinations #Kitakyushutour #Kitakyushutravel #Kitakyushutrip #Kitakyushuvacation #Shimonoseki #travel #trip #yamaguchi #下関 #北九州 #安倍晋三 #旅の道草 #旅行 #観光 #長州 #関門海峡
#旅の道草 #旅行 #観光 #下関 #安倍晋三 #関門海峡 #山口 #長州 #japan #travel #trip #kitakyushu #kitakyushudestinations #kitakyushutour #kitakyushutravel #kitakyushutrip #kitakyushuvacation #shimonoseki #yamaguchi #北九州
shorts132 후쿠오카 https://www.alojapan.com/764167/shorts132-%e1%84%92%e1%85%ae%e1%84%8f%e1%85%ae%e1%84%8b%e1%85%a9%e1%84%8f%e1%85%a1/
#fukuoka #kitakyusu #kokura #mojiko #shimonoseki #japan #tarvel #tarvelvlog #후쿠오카여행 #후쿠오카브이로그 #기타큐슈 #고쿠라 #모지코 #시모노세키 #가라토시장 #기타큐슈당일치기 #후쿠오카신칸센 #부부여행 #일본여행 #여행브이로그
#Kitakyushu #Kitakyushudestinations #Kitakyushutour #Kitakyushutravel #Kitakyushutrip #Kitakyushuvacation #北九州
#fukuoka #kitakyusu #kokura #mojiko #shimonoseki #japan #tarvel #tarvelvlog #후쿠오카여행 #후쿠오카브이로그 #기타큐슈 #고쿠라 #모지코 #시모노세키 #가라토시장 #기타큐슈당일치기 #후쿠오카신칸센 #부부여행 #일본여행 #여행브이로그 #kitakyushu #kitakyushudestinations #kitakyushutour #kitakyushutravel #kitakyushutrip #kitakyushuvacation #北九州
Fukue, Shimonoseki
🗾 #山口 #下関 #Yamaguchi #Shimonoseki
🏷 #残照 #sunset
#山口 #下関 #yamaguchi #shimonoseki #残照 #sunset
The biography of Momofuko Ando, inventor of instant noodle soups and founder of the #Nissin corporation, is a good explainer for the complicated history of #Taiwan: Ando was born in Chiayi in 1910 when Taiwan belonged to #Japan after the treaty of #Shimonoseki. Taiwan is where bitter rivals China and Japan touch and merge.
#nissin #taiwan #japan #shimonoseki