Re Maha #Vajiralongkorn: "#Shinawatra ha fatto del bene al paese e al popolo ed è fedele alla monarchia. Ha rispettato il processo, ha ammesso la propria colpevolezza, si è pentito e ha accettato i verdetti del tribunale. Ora è vecchio, è malato e ha bisogno di cure mediche."
#thailandia #vajiralongkorn #shinawatra
Il Re Maha #Vajiralongkorn ha graziato l’ex primo ministro Thaksin #Shinawatra, riducendo da otto anni a un anno di carcere la pena che deve scontare per vari reati, tra cui corruzione e abuso di potere.
#thailandia #vajiralongkorn #shinawatra
L'ex Primo Ministro Thaksin #Shinawatra, padre di Paetongtarn #Shinawatra (#PTP|Centristi populisti anti-militaristi) e fuggitivo dopo il Colpo di Stato dei militari, è atterrato all'aeroporto Don Muang, arrivando in Thailandia per la prima volta dopo 15 anni di autoesilio.
#BBCNews - #Thaksin #Shinawatra : Divisive ex-PM returns to #Thailand after 15 years
#bbcnews #thaksin #shinawatra #thailand
Thaksin’s imminent return stirs hope, anxiety in Thailand — BenarNews
>#Thaksin’s daughter, Paetongtarn, announced last week that her father was expected to return to Thailand on Aug. 10, as the Pheu Thai Party, the main political vehicle of the #Shinawatra dynasty, seeks to form a new government after a general election in May. https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/thai/thais-react-to-thaksin-shinawatra-imminent-return-from-exile-07312023132527.html #Thailand #southeastasia #elections #tootsea
#tootsea #Elections #southeastasia #Thailand #shinawatra #thaksin
#Thailand former Prime Minister Thaksin #Shinawatra, deposed in a military coup in 2006, and in self exile for 15 years, will return on August 10, according to his daughter Paetongtarn https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/26/ex-pm-thaksin-shinawatra-will-return-to-thailand-next-month-daughter-says
Paetongtarn #Shinawatra (#PheuThai|Centro populista anti-militarista): “Parteciperò alle primarie del partito, previste per il 12 Maggio.”
Nota: Paetongtarn è l’ultima figlia dell’ex Primo Ministro Thaksin, il cui governo è stato rovesciato a causa di un colpo di Stato dell’esercito.
La sua candidatura era in dubbio, poiché ha partorito due giorni fa.
#thailandia #shinawatra #pheuthai
#Paetongtarn #Shinawatra, whose father and aunt were both removed by military coups, is running for PM in the election scheduled for May 14 on a progressive agenda while she is 8 months pregnant https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/08/asia/paetongtarn-shinawatra-thaksin-daughter-thailand-election-intl-hnk/index.html
Here we go again.
Only one question on everyone's mind. When will the next military coup happen?
#Thailand #politics #thaipolitics #shinawatra #elections
#thailand #politics #thaipolitics #shinawatra #elections
#Thailand PM #Prayut will dissolve Parliament before its term expires late in March. The Constitution requires a general election not later than May, and Prayut is trailing in polling against the Pheu Thai Party's Paetongtarn #Shinawatra, whose faather (Thaksin) and aunt (Yingluck) were both overthrown in military coups and are in exile https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thai-pm-dissolve-parliament-before-term-ends-next-month-2023-02-17/