OK I spoke too soon about #ShinKamenRider, I actually like it quite a bit. But it definitely adheres to the source material a bit too much for my liking and it's generally very hard to approach with the wacky special effects and episodic pacing. Once you get into the groove of the style though the strength of the characters and story start to reveal themselves and by the end I was very happy with the movie. #film #tokusatsu
#shinkamenrider #film #tokusatsu
[ACTU POP] Café Matin | Les reviews de SEA OF Stars et SAMBA DE AMIGO, Critique SHIN KAMEN RIDER >>> twitch.tv/sephyross #cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #suikoden #supermariowonder #nintendo #konami #armoredcorevi #seaofstars #sambadeamigo #kamenrider #shinkamenrider #kamenriderblacksun
#cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #suikoden #supermariowonder #nintendo #konami #armoredcorevi #seaofstars #sambadeamigo #kamenrider #shinkamenrider #kamenriderblacksun
I started watching #ShinKamenRider (2023 film) and 40 minutes in I'm pretty lukewarm on it. It's fun to look at some of the time, but the editing can be jarring and doesn't flow well in the action scenes. The campy special effects are also a bit distracting, more so than in Anno's Godzilla or Ultraman. (cntd.)
Wir schauen heute Abend #ShinKamenRider
Bisher ist es sehr weird, wenn man vorher noch keinen direkten Anklang zu dem Franchise hatte. Aber es hat seinen eigenen Charme.
Streamingtipp: Shin Masked Rider bei Prime Video #ShinKamenRider #ShinMaskedRider #Streamingtipp
#shinkamenrider #shinmaskedrider #streamingtipp
I played like 20 minutes of #ShinKamenRider just now for lunch and it is intense. I love it
Gizmodo: Shin Kamen Rider Is the Best Superspeed Has Ever Looked in a Superhero Movie https://gizmodo.com/shin-kamen-rider-superspeed-flash-eternals-hideaki-anno-1850671435 #entertainmentculture #hirominanasenishino #rurikomidorikawa #shinkamenrider #superherofilm #takeshihongo #hideakianno #kamenrider #barryallen #theflash #wasp
#entertainmentculture #hirominanasenishino #rurikomidorikawa #shinkamenrider #superherofilm #takeshihongo #hideakianno #kamenrider #barryallen #theflash #wasp
Nel pomeriggio di sabato 22 luglio doppio appuntamento in live sul nostro canale #twitch in occasione dell'uscita su Prime Video di #ShinKamenRider! https://www.twitch.tv/distopiaeva/
Alle ore 16:00 terremo un #videoparty #watchparty del film, ovviamente SPOILEROSO, in compagnia di #TerreIllustrate ( @MatteoCaronna ) e Kaijinfo.com in cui guarderemo e commenteremo "Shin Kamen Rider" assieme a voi!
#twitch #shinkamenrider #videoparty #watchparty #TerreIllustrate
"Il tempo promesso è giunto."
Ormai ci siamo, venerdì 21 luglio 2023 in contemporanea mondiale su Amazon Prime Video sarà distribuito #ShinKamenRider, (al momento) ultimo film del progetto #ShinJapanHeroesUniverse a cura di Hideaki Anno.
Stasera alle 21:00 affronteremo un #eva7 live di preparazione emotiva all’uscita di "Shin Kamen Rider" assieme a @MatteoCaronna di #TerreIllustrate in cui ripercorreremo la lunga strada che ci ha portato fino a questo film. >
#shinkamenrider #shinjapanheroesuniverse #eva7 #TerreIllustrate
YESSSSSS!!!! #ShinKamenRider is coming to Prime Video on the 21st!!!!!!!! Just a month left
"Shin Kamen Rider" (2023): Disappointment Augmentation http://hub.me/apY5X Shin Kamen Rider had a one-day theatrical run through Fathom Events on May 31. Here's my review of the film. #ShinKamenRider #moviereview #superhero #KamenRider #Japan #foreignfilm #movies #ToeiCompany #HideakiAnno #tokusatsu
#shinkamenrider #moviereview #superhero #kamenrider #japan #foreignfilm #movies #toeicompany #HideakiAnno #tokusatsu
#ShinKamenRider #シン仮面ライダー was amazing! It didn’t follow the original manga arc so I have to do some research on what it was based on. Will definitely be getting it on Blu-ray and digital.
It's been 1.5 months since I watched #shinkamenrider and I have come to the follow conclusions:
1. It was not a good movie, no matter how you see it.
2. Hideaki Anno is not good at live-action because he directs it like an anime film - he lacks planning skills for it.
3. The entire movie was a huge fan-service to himself and the ultra-diehard fans. Just look at all the pictures and cuts they left out of the final movie on their twitter account: https://twitter.com/Shin_KR
Oggi alle 18:00 torna #EVA7, rotocalco di approfondimenti e notizie su #Evangelion e dintorni! In questa puntata:
* I prossimi appuntamenti dal vivo (COMICON, Cinema Massimo, Falcomics);
* Doppio unboxing (Evangelion Collector's Edition #5 ed Evangelion Illustrations 2007-2017);
* Un po' di notizie a proposito di #ShinKamenRider e #HideakiAnno.
Vi aspettiamo su #Twitch, non mancate! https://www.twitch.tv/distopiaeva
Illustrazione di Andrea Dentuto realizzata per #EVAIMPACT!
#eva7 #Evangelion #shinkamenrider #hideakianno #twitch #evaimpact
I was kinda skeptical of the Medicom 1/6 scale figures, and then threezero announces their take on the #shinkamenrider figures!! Super hyped as they make superior toys.
Update of the update.
Both movies are listed on Fandango but unavailable for purchase at this time. 😢
I also checked the websites for Regal (listed but not on sale) and Fathom Events (not even listed yet) for #ShinKamenRider with no luck. Will check back tomorrow.
#StarWarsROTJ 40th Anniversary *is* available for purchase on Consolidated Theatres's website and they even have a screening on May the 4th!
Update on two movies I'm tracking.
Looks like the Fandango placeholder for #ShinKamenRider has been updated as a Fathom Events film for 5/31/23. Tickets not available for purchase yet and still not listed on the Fathom Events website but we're getting closer! https://www.fandango.com/shin-kamen-rider-2023-231615/movie-overview
#StarWars ROTJ 40th Anniversary has been updated with the movie’s new poster but still no tickets on sale although we're just about two weeks away from its release on 4/28/23. https://www.fandango.com/star-wars-return-of-the-jedi-40th-anniversary-2023-231626/movie-overview
Kotaku: Evangelion Creator Can Finally Take A Damn Vacation https://kotaku.com/evangelion-nge-hideaki-anno-shin-kamen-rider-ultraman-1850324928 #gaming #tech #kotaku #nausicac3a4ofthevalleyofthewind #nadia3athesecretofbluewater #entertainment2cculture #neongenesisevangelion #japaneselanguagefilms #rebuildofevangelion #theendofevangelion #evangelion3a302b10 #mechaanimeandmanga #shinkamenrider #creativeworks #shingodzilla #hideakianno #funimation #squareenix #kamenrider #nausicaa #toonami #gainax
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #nausicac3a4ofthevalleyofthewind #nadia3athesecretofbluewater #entertainment2cculture #neongenesisevangelion #japaneselanguagefilms #rebuildofevangelion #theendofevangelion #evangelion3a302b10 #mechaanimeandmanga #shinkamenrider #creativeworks #ShinGodzilla #hideakianno #funimation #squareenix #kamenrider #nausicaa #toonami #gainax
AMC Theatres has 5/31/23 as a release date for #ShinKamenRider (https://www.amctheatres.com/movies/shin-kamen-rider-73213) but Fandango only has a placeholder for it with no date. I'll be patient. 🥺