Einmal den Duft von #Shinra im Zimmer – neues Merchandise von Square Enix macht es möglich. Der neueste Artikel ist nämlich ein Duftfächer in schickem Box-Design – inklusive „Shinra Electric Power Company“-Logo. https://jpgames.de/2023/06/final-fantasy-vii-remake-frischer-shinra-geruch-im-raum-dieser-neue-duftfaecher-macht-es-moeglich/
Getting VERY excited for more #FinalFantasyVII news❗️
In the meantime, fellow #FF7 fans, check out this new book just added to #TheVideoGameLibrary! 📚
#GameStudies AND #FFVII collide⁉️ Let's mosey!
#FFVIIRemake #FF7R #FF7Remake #FinalFantasy7 #FFVIIRebirth #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #PlayStation #PS5 #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Gamer #RPG #JRP #Aerith #Tifa #Cloud #Barrett #RedXIII #Shinra #Midgar #FinalFantasy #Rebirth
#rebirth #finalfantasy #midgar #shinra #redxiii #barrett #Cloud #tifa #Aerith #jrp #RPG #gamer #videogames #videogame #Gaming #PS5 #Playstation #bookstodon #Books #book #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #ffviirebirth #finalfantasy7 #ff7remake #ff7r #ffviiremake #ffvii #gamestudies #thevideogamelibrary #ff7 #FinalFantasyVII
Getting VERY excited for more #FinalFantasyVII news❗️
In the meantime, fellow #FF7 fans, check out this new book just added to #TheVideoGameLibrary! 📚
#GameStudies AND #FFVII collide⁉️ Let's mosey!
#FFVIIRemake #FF7R #FF7Remake #FinalFantasy7 #FFVIIRebirth #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #PlayStation #PS5 #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Gamer #RPG #JRP #Aerith #Tifa #Cloud #Barrett #RedXIII #Shinra #Midgar #FinalFantasy #Rebirth
#rebirth #finalfantasy #midgar #shinra #redxiii #barrett #Cloud #tifa #Aerith #jrp #RPG #gamer #videogames #videogame #Gaming #PS5 #Playstation #bookstodon #Books #book #FinalFantasyVIIRebirth #ffviirebirth #finalfantasy7 #ff7remake #ff7r #ffviiremake #ffvii #gamestudies #thevideogamelibrary #ff7 #FinalFantasyVII
Kotaku: The Final Fantasy VII X Powerwash Simulator Crossover Is A Must-Play For Fans https://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-vii-powerwash-simlulator-midgar-remake-1850194415 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #kingdomheartscharacters #mentalillnessinfiction #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #finalfantasyvii #barretwallace #chrisredfield #tifalockhart #cloudstrife #reevetuesti #nintendo #daytona #shinra #barret #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #kingdomheartscharacters #mentalillnessinfiction #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #finalfantasyvii #barretwallace #chrisredfield #tifalockhart #cloudstrife #reevetuesti #nintendo #daytona #shinra #barret #rpg
The 7th of Februarys marks the birthday of #FinalFantasyVII 's #AerithGainsborough ! 🎉
To me, #Aerith is the epitome of everything wonderful about unabashed femininity - she's patient, compassionate, kind and bubbly while also having plenty of spunk, resolve and resilience to spare in the face of adversity and injustice.
She is descended from a mystical heritage via her mother #Ifalna (the last known full-blooded #Cetra in existence), therefore harbouring an intimate connection with the #Lifestream and the Planet. Her abilities leads to her lifelong exploitation at the hand of #Shinra , but despite this she strives to make the most of her fragile freedom. All the while, she remains devoted to the greater good and is prepared to risk an untimely death to protect her loved ones and the Planet 💚
Truly a #VideoGame character to celebrate today! (Which image do you prefer?) 😄
#Aeris #AerisGainsborough #Aerith_Gainsborough #Aeris_Gainsborough #FinalFantasy7 #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #FFVII #FF7 #HappyBirthday #Happy_Birthday #SquareEnix #Square_Enix #FinalFantasy #Final_Fantasy #Gaming #VideoGames #Video_Games
#finalfantasyvii #aerithgainsborough #aerith #ifalna #cetra #lifestream #shinra #videogame #aeris #aerisgainsborough #aerith_gainsborough #aeris_gainsborough #finalfantasy7 #final_fantasy_vii #final_fantasy_7 #ffvii #ff7 #happybirthday #happy_birthday #squareenix #square_enix #finalfantasy #final_fantasy #gaming #videogames #video_games
Was playing #ff7:Re and got to thinking how AR avalanche seems. Obviously mako is supposed to be an analogue for oil. But when I started noticing the sheer number of attack dogs Shinra have been sending out in remake (don't recall it being a thing in the original game) got me thinking about the animal usage, and of course that leads us to #RedXIII-- who we remember was a lab experiment used by #Shinra.
So of course it makes me rethink mako being "The life blood of earth" to not being a veil for oil, but mako could also be an analogue for Factory farming.
#ff7 #redxiii #shinra #sqeenix #videogames #jrpgs
Je sais pas vous mais moi c'est la saison 3 de fire force que j'attends le plus pour 2023
#anime #manga #fireforce #shinra
Moi qui essaye de convaincre mes abonnés Twitter et Insta de venir sur Mastodon
#mastodon #twitter #fireforce #shinra #twittermigration #anime #manga
#mastodon #twitter #fireforce #shinra #twittermigration #anime #manga
I feel like this is one of the coolest pieces of merchandise for a band ever.
#KnightoftheRound Full #Discography on a USB shaped like a #Shinra Key Card.
#finalfantasy7 #finalfantasy #heavymetal #merchandise #novelty
#knightoftheround #discography #shinra #finalfantasy7 #finalfantasy #heavymetal #merchandise #novelty
OCs - Shin-Ra Pokemon Team (2022 4 April)
it is me, your lord and master! ...
make sure to add me on Discord: " Grim-Edge#3712 "
and I will tell you a small secret!
and if you prove to be a good servant, I will reward you a proper reward that match your services to your master!
I'm open for commissions
if you wanna contact me, go here for details : https://www.subscribestar.com/posts/364502
#pokémon #pokemon #shinra #sandslash #Doduo #lucario #krookodile