#BreachForums has returned and is now being administered by the infamous #ShinyHunters hacking group.
#databreach #CyberSecurity #cybercrime #Security #shinyhunters #breachforums
For those following Sebastien Raoult's (aka "Sezyo") case in federal court: Raoult, who is alleged to be a member of ShinyHunters, had pleaded not guilty at his arraignment, and his trial was scheduled for April 3, 2023. Now his public defender has asked the court to delay the trial until January 16, 2024. From their court filing this week, an explanation for the requested delay:
"On February 13, 2023, defense counsel received the initial discovery from the government which contained 89088 pages of discovery. In its cover letter to counsel, the government indicated that it is continuing to gather evidence and the production of additional discovery will be ongoing. This case involves alleged international hacking schemes and the discovery is expected to be voluminous. Although Mr. Raoult can read English, he primarily speaks French. The complication of communicating in a foreign language and the presence of a Protective Order will require defense counsel to spend an inordinate amount of time with Mr. Raoult to discuss the evidence and as well as how he wishes to proceed with his case. In addition, defense counsel will need extra time to analyze the discovery as it comes in, and to identify potential issues that should be presented to the Court in the form of pretrial motions."
The prosecution has not yet responded to the request.
#cybercrime #ShinyHunters #extradition #hacking #phishing #infosec #cybersecurity #databreach
#cybercrime #shinyhunters #extradition #hacking #phishing #infosec #cybersecurity #databreach
As one of their efforts to prevent Morocco from extraditing Sebastien Raoult to the U.S. where he was indicted as an alleged member of ShinyHunters, Philippe Ohayon, Raoult's lawyer, also appealed to the U.N. Committee on Human Rights.
Yesterday, he received a response that said the committee was investigating the appeal and in the interim:
"En vertu de l'article 94 du règlement intérieur du Comité, il a également étédemandé à l'État partie de ne pas extrader l’auteur vers les États Unis tant que sa requêteest en cours d’examen par le Comité."
(translation): "Under article 94 of the rules of procedure of the Committee, it was also
requested the State party not to extradite the author to the United States while his request is under consideration by the Committee. This request does not imply that any decision has been taken on the substance of the issue in question."
So Morocco was asked NOT to extradite Raoult while the HR Committee considers the issues.
Sadly for Raoult and his family and friends, that request appears to have come too late. Raoult had already been extradited to the U.S. on January 25.
#extradition #ShinyHunters #Raoult #Sezyo #Morocco #France #Ohayon #phishing #WireFraud #CFAA #IDtheft
#extradition #shinyhunters #Raoult #sezyo #morocco #france #ohayon #phishing #wirefraud #cfaa #idtheft
Alleged member of #ShinyHunters group extradited to the US, could face 116 years in jail
#securityaffairs #hacking #ybercrime
#shinyhunters #securityaffairs #hacking #ybercrime
The #DOJ has now issued a press release about Sebastien Raoult, aka "Sezyo," who they allege is a member of #shinyhunters
Raoult is to have his first court appearance tomorrow.
The DOJ's press release is accompanied by a copy of the indictment.
You can find both the press release and the indictment on my site, here:
#hack #cybersecurity #identitytheft #phishing #conspiracy #wirefraud #databreach
#doj #shinyhunters #hack #cybersecurity #identitytheft #phishing #conspiracy #wirefraud #databreach
ShinyHunters suspect extradited to United States from Morocco, could face 116 years in jail if convicted - A 22-year-old suspected of being "Seyzo", a member of the ShinyHunters cybercrime gang, h... https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/shinyhunters-suspect-extradited-united-states #shinyhunters #extradition #databreach #guestblog #lawℴ #microsoft #dataloss
#dataloss #microsoft #lawℴ #guestblog #databreach #extradition #shinyhunters
French national Sebastien Raoult was extradited today to the U.S., where he had been indicted as an alleged member of ShinyHunters.
#shinyhunters #sezyo #cybercrime
And another eight and a half boxes full of #charmander eggs~
Wish me luck ^^
#videogames #shinyhunters #pokemonscarletviolet #charmander
Seven and a half boxes of #charmander eggs, less goooo~
#pokemonscarletviolet #shinyhunters #charmander
Is Morocco rushing to extradite Sebastien Raoult before the Committee on Torture might bar the extradition?
The lawyer for the alleged member of #ShinyHunters has asked French officials to urge Morocco NOT to extradite Raoult to the U.S. until the Committee on Torture considers his case.
BREAKING: Morocco’s Court of Cassation has notified French national Sebastien Raoult (aka "Sezyo") that they have approved the U.S.'s extradition request. The U.S. indicted Raoult in 2021 as an alleged member of #ShinyHunters, He was detained in Morocco on May 31, 2022 as he tried to board a plane to fly to Brussels and then home.
Background on his case can be found by searching for #Sebastien Raoult" on databreaches.net I'll have more on this latest development later or tomorrow.
#shinyhunters #sebastien #cybercrime #idtheft #conspiracy #extradition
Das Shiny Evoli nicht beachten. Alles in allem bin ich zufrieden mit dem #communityday.
Hoffe ihr hattet auch Glück heute beim fangen von #Shinys.
Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Abend 😁.
#mastrodon #PokemonKarmesinPurpur #pokemongo #gamerlife #vollzeitnerd #shinypokemon #shinyhunters #Teddiursa
#communityday #Shinys #mastrodon #PokemonKarmesinPurpur #pokemongo #gamerlife #vollzeitnerd #shinypokemon #shinyhunters #Teddiursa
It Might Be Our Data, But It’s Not Our Breach - Image: Shutterstock.
A cybersecurity firm says it has intercepted a large, unique ... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/08/it-might-be-our-data-but-its-not-our-breach/ #newjerseycybersecurity&communicationsintegrationcell #bleepingcomputer #databreaches.net #whitehousemarket #alittlesunshine #thecomingstorm #lawrenceabrams #bellsouth.net #sbcglobal.net #databreaches #at&tinternet #holdsecurity #shinyhunters #alexholden #t-mobile #u-verse
#u #t #alexholden #shinyhunters #holdsecurity #at #sbcglobal #bellsouth #lawrenceabrams #thecomingstorm #alittlesunshine #whitehousemarket #databreaches #bleepingcomputer #newjerseycybersecurity
Upstox warns of serious data breach, resets passwords - Indian stock trading firm Upstox has revealed to users that it has suffered a serious sec... https://grahamcluley.com/upstox-warns-of-serious-data-breach-resets-passwords/ #shinyhunters #databreach #dataloss #privacy #india #kyc
#kyc #india #privacy #dataloss #databreach #shinyhunters
#AxisOfEasy 180: US Intelligence Bypasses Warrants Through Buying Data
##AxisOfEasy #DDOS-Guard #DeroHe #Discord #GameStop #gammasqueeze #GeorgeGammon #IOBit #JesseFelder #LACNIC #Lyft #Parler #Pixlr #ShinyHunters #StakeholderCapitalism #TomWoods #WallStreetBets
#wallstreetbets #tomwoods #stakeholdercapitalism #shinyhunters #pixlr #parler #lyft #lacnic #jessefelder #iobit #georgegammon #gammasqueeze #gamestop #discord #derohe #ddos #axisofeasy
📬MeetMindful: Dating-Site gehackt – 2,28 Mio Benutzerdaten veröffentlicht📬 https://tarnkappe.info/meetmindful-dating-site-gehackt-228-mio-benutzerdaten-veroeffentlicht/ #ShinyHunters #MeetMindful #Teespring #Hacking #Pixlr
#pixlr #hacking #teespring #MeetMindful #shinyhunters
📬ShinyHunters: Hacker leakt 1,9 Mio Pixlr-Benutzerdatensätze📬 https://tarnkappe.info/shinyhunters-hacker-leakt-19-mio-pixlr-benutzerdatensaetze/ #AmazonWebServices #InmagineGroup #PravinRasiah #ShinyHunters #Hacking #123RF #Pixlr
#pixlr #123RF #hacking #shinyhunters #PravinRasiah #InmagineGroup #amazonwebservices
📬Hacker verdienen jährlich 1 Mio. $ mit geklauten Fortnite Accounts📬 https://tarnkappe.info/hacker-verdienen-jaehrlich-1-mio-mit-geklauten-fortnite-accounts/ #GnosticPlayers #ShinyHunters #DataViper #Minecraft #Fortnite #Hacking #Roblox #Tape
#gnosticplayers #DataViper #tape #shinyhunters #minecraft #fortnite #hacking #roblox
133m records for sale as fruits of data breach spree keep raining down - Databases can be had for as little as $100, on up to $1,100. Most, if not all, are being sold by t... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/07/02/133m-records-for-sale-as-fruits-of-data-breach-spree-keep-raining-down/ #credentialstuffing #databreachbrokers #securitythreats #uncategorized #hackerforums #shinyhunters #shinyhunters #dataloss #darkweb #breach
#breach #darkweb #dataloss #shinyhunters #hackerforums #uncategorized #securitythreats #databreachbrokers #credentialstuffing
As hackers sell 8 million user records, Home Chef confirms data breach - Meal kit and food delivery company Home Chef has confirmed that hackers breached its systems, maki... more: https://hotforsecurity.bitdefender.com/blog/as-hackers-sell-8-million-user-records-home-chef-confirms-data-breach-23337.html#new_tab #shinyhunters #databreach #guestblog #dataloss #homechef
#homechef #dataloss #guestblog #databreach #shinyhunters