#Starship-ek "Hot Staging" izeneko metodoa erabiliko du hurrengo proba hegaldian, #Ship25 eta #Booster9-a bereizteko. Metodo hau, 2garren etapa, 1go etapa guztiz itzali eta bereiztu baino lehen piztea datza.
Ainbat suziritan erabiltzen da eta "beroan bereiztea" deritzo.
#starship #ship25 #booster9 #Espazioa
SpaceX focuses on launch site readiness ahead of Starship Flight 2 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2023/07/starship-launch-site-readiness/ #starbaseupdates #superheavy #bocachica #booster9 #featured #starbase #starship #ship25 #spacex
#starbaseupdates #superheavy #bocachica #booster9 #featured #starbase #starship #ship25 #spacex
NASASpaceflight.com excerpt video from their livestream of the Ship 25 static fire.
#ship25 #starship #starbase #spacex
Ship 25 begins engine testing as Starship launch pad work continues https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2023/06/ship-25-engine-testing/ #starbaseupdates #commercial #bocachica #featured #starbase #starship #ship25 #spacex
#starbaseupdates #commercial #bocachica #featured #starbase #starship #ship25 #spacex