Shipping can be a way to imagine things we’d actually want to happen (in canon or to ourselves). Shipping can also be an enjoyable way to explore other possibilities, no matter how unrealistic they might be. Both approaches are fine and everyone can ship however and whatever they want.
Read “You Are Not Shipping the Way I’m Shipping and That’s Okay” on Pillowfort / Tumblr.
#Fandom #FandomCulture #Shipping #ShipAndLetShip #FandomDiscourse
#fandom #fandomculture #shipping #shipandletship #fandomdiscourse
Hi! I'm Rio. :blobcatinnocent: :they_them: A not very productive #fanfic writer and blorbo connoisseur with a queer brain. :autismcreature: :heart_trans:
I spent the last few years on Twitter, chatting about #jojosbizarreadventure (90% #jotajosu ) and #fandom as a whole!
I'm also (back) on tumblr. Mostly for #discoelysium and #interviewwiththevampire and some misc. #hannibal and etc.
Same name everywhere! AO3, too.
#ykinmkato , #proship , #shipandletship :blobcatsnugs:
#introduction #fanfic #jojosbizarreadventure #jotajosu #fandom #discoelysium #interviewwiththevampire #hannibal #ykinmkato #proship #shipandletship
The Three Laws of Fandom
#fandom @fandom #ThreeLawsOfFandom #ShipAndLetShip #DontLikeDontRead #YKINMKATO #KinkTomato
#fandom #threelawsoffandom #shipandletship #dontlikedontread #YKINMKATO #KINKTOMATO