The wine-trading #NewportShip, which sank in the #RiverUsk c.1469, has just returned to #Newport - in 2,500 pieces, after #TimberConservation in Portsmouth by the #MaryRose team. Now to find a site for reassembly & display of this great future tourist attraction! Superb storytelling & imagery in the 3 min video at
#MedievalShip #ShipConstruction #MaritimeHistory #archaeology #15thCentury #WineTrade #NewportCastle #medieval #jigsaw #medievodons @medievodons
#newportship #riverusk #newport #timberconservation #maryrose #medievalship #shipconstruction #maritimehistory #archaeology #15thcentury #winetrade #newportcastle #medieval #jigsaw #medievodons
The newly-discovered ships were built in the lifetime of the #LadyOfClare. Household accounts from #ClareCastle in #Suffolk record purchase of fish from Iceland, candlewax from Lübeck, & wine from the Rhine.
When we republished her biography, #ForHerGoodEstate, our map showed the barrels arriving from Northern Europe...
on a ship like the C13th Bossholmen cog, here drawn by Jon Adams & photographed by Kester Keighley:
#LadyofClare #clarecastle #Suffolk #forhergoodestate #shiptype #shipconstruction #maritimearchaeology
The #medieval seal of #Shoreham in Sussex refers to the town as Hulkesmouth, after the #ship type depicted, a hulc.
Wonderful discussion of the many images & archaeological hopes from the #NewportShip project:
'In Search of the Hulc...'
I haven't seen details of the #clinker #hull of the #13thCentury #MortarWreck in #Dorset; #MedievalMastodon is it a hulc?
#WaxSeal #MedievalShip #ShipConstruction #MaritimeHistory #medievodons @medievodons
#medieval #shoreham #ship #newportship #clinker #hull #13thcentury #mortarwreck #dorset #medievalmastodon #waxseal #medievalship #shipconstruction #maritimehistory #medievodons
The future #HMCSWilliamHall sitting on the hard at #HalifaxShipyard today, in advance of her upcoming launch. This is the 4th of the @royalcannavy’s Arctic and Offshore Patrol Vessels. #ship #shipsforcanada #shipconstruction #photography #navy #naval #WarshipsIFR
#hmcswilliamhall #halifaxshipyard #ship #shipsforcanada #shipconstruction #photography #navy #naval #WarshipsIFR