RT @UPSCapital
In a new episode of the Digital Supply Chain Podcast with @TomRaftery, UPS Capital’s Eduardo Lopez-Soriano shares how #SMBs can use #ShippingInsurance to differentiate on #CX and compete with large retailers, check it out! 🎧 https://twitter.com/TomRaftery/status/1624070183718629376
Negative customer experiences due to porch piracy or other shipment issues can be a thing of the past. Find out how on this week's episode of the #Digital #SupplyChain podcast 🎙️
#shipping #logistics #shippinginsurance #SMB #CustomerExperience
Link: https://www.digitalsupplychainpodcast.com/354320/12218116-ship-with-confidence-how-smbs-can-protect-their-supply-chain
#customerexperience #smb #shippinginsurance #logistics #shipping #supplychain #digital
Be ahead of the curve and understand the benefits of shipping insurance for your small business. Listen to the latest episode of my #Digital #SupplyChain podcast now 🎙️
Link: https://www.digitalsupplychainpodcast.com/354320/12218116-ship-with-confidence-how-smbs-can-protect-their-supply-chain
#Shipping #shippinginsurance #SMB #logistics
#logistics #smb #shippinginsurance #shipping #supplychain #digital
Negative customer experiences due to porch piracy or other shipment issues can be a thing of the past. Find out how on todays' episode of the #Digital #SupplyChain podcast
Link: https://www.digitalsupplychainpodcast.com/354320/12218116-ship-with-confidence-how-smbs-can-protect-their-supply-chain
#UPSCapital #shippinginsurance #SMB
#smb #shippinginsurance #upscapital #supplychain #digital