WATCH: Trinity House's Rapid Intervention Vessel (RIV) Alert lets go and sails; 2 September 2023.
Today, she is heading for the SE Mouse navigation mark, which is on the Northern side of the Knob Deep Water Anchorage, where the Knock John and the Princes channels merge for inbound traffic.
#ship #ShipsandShipping
WATCH: Container ship GSL Chateau d'if arrives at Felixstowe from Tanger Med in a 20 knot blow, morning of 23 July 2023.
GSL Chateau d'if has just completed a run around the eastern end of the Med, including calls in Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt and Malta.
#ShipsandShipping #containership #Felixstowe #TangerMed
#shipsandshipping #containership #felixstowe #tangermed
WATCH: Ships and Shipping - news about us! 19 July, 2023
Ships and shipping has been running since the 26th May - that's 55 days, in which we have produced 85 video clips, and gained an amazing 99 subscribers!
So it's time for a really big thank you to everyone, subscribers and viewers in general.
#ship #shipsandshipping #containership #tug #dredger #cargoship
#ship #shipsandshipping #containership #tug #dredger #cargoship
WATCH: Trailing suction hopper dredger Tristao Da Cunha returns to Felixstowe Berth 9 on the rainy afternoon of Monday, 3 July 2023.
This dredger will be working around Felixstowe's berths for the next week or so, carrying out regular maintenance dredging tasks.
#ships #shipsandshipping #Felixstowe #dredger #dredging
#ships #shipsandshipping #felixstowe #dredger #dredging
Ships and Shipping was live from the Felixstowe viewpoint at around 7.30am on Saturday, 1 July.
Talking about dredging going on at Felixstowe.
#Felixstowe #ship #ShipsandShipping #dredging #containership
#felixstowe #ship #shipsandshipping #dredging #containership
WATCH: we were LIVE from the Port of Felixstowe, Wednesday 28 June
A small celebration! Sound up, please!
#ShipsandShipping #LIVE #ship #shipspotting #shippingindustry
#shipsandshipping #live #ship #shipspotting #shippingindustry
WATCH: Bulker Aquagemini and container feeder Ensemble pass just upstream of Tilbury 2 berths, early afternoon of Thurday, 22 June 2023.
The bulk carrier Aquagemini is heading for a berth at Northfleet, Kent, after a 12,053 nautical mile voyage from Townsville, Australia, taking 52 days.
Meanwhile the container ship Ensemble has departed Tilbury, on a 740 nm trip to El Ferrol in Spain.
#ships #shipsandshipping #containership #bulkcarrier #RiverThames
#ships #shipsandshipping #containership #bulkcarrier #riverthames
WATCH: Maersk Campton, Part 2: Swinging and berthing at Felixstowe berth 7, 7am, Monday 19 June 2023.
2022- built 15,413 TEU container ship Maersk Campton swings and is brought along at berth 9, Port of Felixstowe, employing 3 tugs.
#ship #containership #Felixstowe #maerskCampton #MaerskLine #ShipsandShipping
#ship #containership #felixstowe #maerskcampton #maerskline #shipsandshipping
WATCH: 2002- built Seaspan Felixstowe sails from her namesake port of Felixstowe, around 7am on Sunday 18 June 2023.
Owned and operated by Seaspan Corporation, this ship is on charter to COSCO, with another 22 months to run on this contract.
She is operating on a rotation which includes ports in India, Sri Lanka, and in the Med.
#ship #containerShip #ShipsandShipping #Felixstowe #SeaspanFelixstowe
#ship #containership #shipsandshipping #felixstowe #seaspanfelixstowe
WATCH: Another beautiful morning at the entrance to Harwich Harbour, UK, as the 12,400 TEU container ship MSC Lauren arrives from Sines, in Portugal.
#ship #ShipsandShipping #MSCLauren #containership #Felixstowe
#ship #shipsandshipping #msclauren #containership #felixstowe
WATCH: Offshore Service Vessel Scotia arrives for Harwich Navyard, around 8am, on Tuesday, 8 June 2023:
#ships #ShipsandShipping #OSVScotia #OffshoreServiceVessel
#ships #shipsandshipping #osvscotia #offshoreservicevessel
WATCH: 2022-built New Panamax container ship Maersk Camden sails from berth 8 at the Port of Felixstowe at around 7.30am on the morning of Monday, 12 June 2023.
She is designed to fit through the new locks on the Panama Canal, with a length of 366 metres and a beam of 51 metres, and can carry 15,413 TEU of containers.
#ship #shipsandshipping #Maersk #Felixstowe #containership #MaerskCamden
#ship #shipsandshipping #maersk #felixstowe #containership #maerskcamden
It's "Port to Port" aboard ship!
Its what seafarers call "the rule of the road" - at sea, in rivers and canals, ships alway pass port side to port side, or "port to port". In other words, that landlubbers might understand, you drive on the right!
#shipsandshipping #porttoport
#shipsandshipping #porttoport #ship
WATCH: Massive new "world's biggest" container ship, MSC Loreto, alongside the quay at Felixstowe, on her maiden call. Filmed 30 May 2023
#shipsandshipping #MSCLoreto #containership
#WorldsBiggest #Felixstowe #PortofFelixstowe #UltraLargeContainerShip
#shipsandshipping #mscloreto #containership #worldsbiggest #felixstowe #portoffelixstowe #ultralargecontainership
WATCH: The British Antarctic Survey's Research/Survey Vessel Sir David Attenborough arrived back in the UK today after a month-long voyage from the farthest end of the world.
#shipsandshipping #Felixstowe #port #ships #Sir David Attenborough
#shipsandshipping #felixstowe #port #ships #sir
WATCH: MSC Lisbon arriving at the Port of Felixstowe at around 12.20pm on Monday, 29 May
A large container ship when she was built, back in 2007, MSC Lisbon is now operating on a rotation running to Northern Europe from India and Pakistan.
#ships #shipsandshipping #MSC #MSCLisbon #Felixstowe #containership
#ships #shipsandshipping #msc #msclisbon #felixstowe #containership
WATCH: 16 years old and still going strong: Evelyn Maersk arriving Felixstowe, at around 6am on Monday, 29 May 2023.
#shipsandshipping #Felixstowe #ships #containership #EvelynMaersk #globaltrade #shipping
#shipsandshipping #felixstowe #ships #containership #evelynmaersk #globaltrade #shipping
A rather brisk and windy day on the Walkway Over The Hudson #railtrail #HudsonValley #hudsonriver #ny #shipsandshipping
#railtrail #HudsonValley #hudsonriver #ny #shipsandshipping
New System Aims to Save Whales Near San Francisco From Ship Collisions - Four whales have died near San Francisco this year after ships crashed into them, and sci... - #nationaloceanicandatmosphericadministration #maritimeaccidentsandsafety #sanfrancisco(calif) #santabarbara(calif) #your-feed-science #your-feed-animals #whalesandwhaling #shipsandshipping
#shipsandshipping #whalesandwhaling #your #santabarbara #sanfrancisco #maritimeaccidentsandsafety #nationaloceanicandatmosphericadministration