Quel banger cette double chanson #NothingMore #TiredOfWinning #ShipsInTheNight
#NothingMore #tiredofwinning #shipsinthenight
Like a
⬜️ peg in a ⚪️ hole
harp without it's strings
a sailor who ⛵️ no 🌊
a 🐦 that has no wings
Without 🥰
👉🏽I am a 🏜
👉🏽My light is dim
👉🏽I have no treasures
👉🏽I cannot win
Without 🥰
We are like
Selling our souls down the river
⛵️ away & forever
Our pleasure is 🟦
9 Jan 1976
#pop #music #1970s
#shipsinthenight #pop #music #1970s
it's the final night of the Through The Veil tour on Saturday the 19th of November with Ships In The Night, Buck Gooter and Solemn Shapes at The Southern, Charlottesville, VA
#ThroughTheVeil #ShipsInTheNight #BuckGooter #SolemnShapes #TheSouthernCharlottesville #DarkWave #Industrial #SynthWave
#throughtheveil #shipsinthenight #buckgooter #solemnshapes #thesoutherncharlottesville #darkwave #industrial #synthwave
if you're in Chicago, check out this brilliant gig at the Underground Lounge on the 17th of November with :
#SolemnShapes #ShipsInTheNight #BuckGooter #TheFeralGhosts #ScaryLadySarah
please tap the flyer to expand 🙏
#Chicago #DarkWave #Industrial #SynthWave #UndergroundLounge
#solemnshapes #shipsinthenight #buckgooter #theferalghosts #scaryladysarah #Chicago #darkwave #industrial #synthwave #undergroundlounge