I admire the work of the Iranian born visual artist, #ShirinNeshat. Her use of Persian calligraphy & enigmatic b&w images convey the disparity & distance btwn the sexes in the Islamic world. Women Without Men, her first narrative feature, falls somewhere btwn an allegory & straight historical account of 1953 Iran. It tells entwined stories of 4 women. The magic realism of the source material befits well w/ Neshat's style. Visually, the film has some very powerful, stunning moments. #iran #film
“We ask the international community to STOP diplomatic relations with the barbaric Islamic Republic government. Close all their embassies…they don’t represent the people of Iran…they are killing their people…how much more proof do you need?” Iranian-born artist and activist Shirin Neshat #shirinneshat #mohsenshakeri #unitednations #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini #iranrevolution #iranuprising #opiran #letterpress #linotype #typecasting Cast in 8 and 11pt Electra, and 96pt Gothic Medium Condensed
#shirinneshat #mohsenshakeri #unitednations #womanlifefreedom #MahsaAmini #iranrevolution #iranuprising #opiran #letterpress #linotype #typecasting
Zusatzinfo: #ShirinNeshat wird auch heute in Düsseldorf (Metropol Kino) und am Freitag in Berlin (Kant Kino) bei der Vorführung ihres Filmes dabei sein. • Quelle: http://bird.trom.tf/iran_journal/status/1585177710200254464#m